A Christian Life Coach Is A Professional That Will Make You Successful

life coaching Mar 26, 2020

An exceptional and effective co-creative tactic for encouraging women to attain their goals and unlock their full capacity is Christian Life Coaching.

A Christian Life Coach is a professional that will make you successful. Unlike therapists and consultants, coaches do not provide answers to problems. Instead, they work collaboratively with clients to help them discover their insights and develop personalized solutions.


This coaching design's primary objective is to guide and support women in defining and accomplishing their objectives, discovering their hidden talents, and fulfilling their God-given calling. Women who want clarity about their lives and achieve their goals can benefit greatly from working with a life coach.


Psalm 27:3 KJV – “Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.”



Through a collaborative and personalized process, a life coach...

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Make a Tribe of Delighted People

One of the most critical skills a marketer must have is creating a tribe that knows, likes and trust them. Being able to rally people who have a common need, common goal, or shared interest builds a network of people who want to buy.

As your business grows, you have the opportunity and the duty to engage and deliver. Not only your goods and services but access to you as the leader and producer of the goods and services you provide.


Building a Tribe of People Who Know, Like, and Trust You


In most cases, people buy from people they know and trust. Much of sales are referrals and personal connections. People like to do business with the people they like. Unless your agency is so big, it doesn’t rely on advertising or marketing. It would be best if you made items feel personal to outshine the marketplace.


Here are the critical aspects of building a tribe that knows, likes, and trusts you:

  • Be valuable
  • Be credible
  • Be generous
  • Be accessible
  • Be genuine
  • Be...
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12 Easy Ways to be Happy

personal development Mar 24, 2020

Happy - a state of well-being and contentment that we reach when we feel satisfied.


This so-called ‘pursuit of happiness’ is a mission that takes most women the majority of their lives but never really seems conquered. We put a lot of energy and thought into things and people supposed to make us happy, to find out that they can’t.


Your attitude impacts your entire life. Your career, happiness, relationships, and satisfaction are all affected by your attitude.

Do you generally have a positive attitude? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How do you think this influences your life?


Use these 12 strategies to maintain a positive attitude:


  1. Plan your exciting future. Having a future that excites you makes it easy to feel optimistic about life. Even if things are challenging today, you can look forward to an exciting life.


  1. Motivate yourself. Think about the kind of life you would like to live. Plan your future and ensure...
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Little Acts of Kindness Make Big Results

health Mar 23, 2020

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa.

Remember how you have felt before when you had a tough day, and someone smiled at you?  Or when you helped your neighbor carry in groceries, and how she still thanks you to this day? Any small act of kindness can make huge impacts on a person’s life.

Small acts often lead to huge ripples. A small act can change the life of a person, who then can perform a kindness for someone else. And the cycle continues to grow - improving everyone's mental health.

No matter how small or large the kindness is, it is likely to affect your mental health greatly. According to psychologists and researchers, small acts of kindness create a rebound effect on not only the receiver’s psyche but yours too.

For instance, a smile increases the receiver’s comfort level and makes them more contented. It also leaves you in a better mood too. A simple smile could be the reason...

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Prayer Is Like A Normal Conversation, But Better

spirituality Mar 22, 2020

Conversations Start with Sharing

In many ways, women look at conversations as simply sharing. Perhaps you share how your day went with your kids, your husband, or even your pet. Maybe you share about a struggle you had with a co-worker or a funny event that occurred at school.


An active prayer life is essential to your spiritual well-being. Prayer is a conversation, so start with simply sharing. Talk to God about your day. Tell Him how you feel about events, whether good or bad.


Ask Him for what you need. Maybe that is knowledge to understand how to take the helm on a complicated project at work. Or perhaps you need strength to continue caring for a sick member of the family.


Pray with All Emotions 

We learn from how Jesus prayed in the middle of pain. He turned to God the Father. We can also turn to God during our struggles and pains. God waits to hear from us and listen to our prayers, just as He listened to Jesus’ prayers in the Garden at...

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Affirmation: I Realize that Living a Positive Lifestyle is My Defense Against Anger

affirmations Mar 21, 2020

I strongly think that anger repels happiness. I cannot grasp living a happy, full life if it is also filled with anger.


From a logical standpoint, I think that happiness repels anger just as easily as rage repels contentment. So, I remove anger from my life by only living in a satisfying manner rich with joy.


According to the law of attraction, good attracts good, and bad attracts bad. The first step to deterring anger from my life is becoming an overall positive person. Daily, I move toward greater positivity.


If I feel anger creeping up, I take a minute and breathe quietly to gather my thoughts.


Negative reactions can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore I foster positive thoughts and tell myself I am above stooping to a level of negativity.


I encircle myself with positive people. I nurture relationships in my life. By promoting these relationships, I generate additional positivity in my life.


I also take time for myself. I indulge in...

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Faith Perspective is Important in the World of Dating

relationships Mar 20, 2020

Finding a meaningful relationship can feel overwhelming in a world filled with endless dating apps, social media profiles, and swipes. For Christians, the challenge of dating is often compounded by the desire to honor God in every aspect of life, including romantic relationships.

So, how does one navigate the complex dating world while staying true to Christian values?


Let’s explore some key principles.

Foundation in Faith

The first and most important aspect of Christian dating is ensuring that your faith is the foundation of your relationship. A shared belief in Christ provides common ground and mutual understanding, which can help you both grow spiritually and emotionally. Before pursuing a relationship, it is important to evaluate your relationship with God. Are you rooted in His word? Are you pursuing a life that reflects His teachings? When a man and woman align in their faith, it sets the stage for a strong, Christ-centered relationship.

Intentionality in...

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Breakthrough: Working On Better Goals And Action Plans

Life coaches help women reach their full potential by offering their clients guidance, support, and accountability. They act as facilitators, providing a confidential and relaxed space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions. By working collaboratively with the client, they help to uncover their strengths, passions, and aspirations.


Life coaching is not about teaching or instructing clients. Instead, it is a shared activity where the coach works with the client to identify areas where they are stuck and tailor a plan to achieve their desired outcomes. This approach ensures that clients are fully invested in the process and are more likely to reach their objectives.


How is Christian Life Coaching unique? 

One of the strategic objectives of Christian Life Coaching is to foster a Biblical worldview and truth mindset, which are essential components of personal growth and development.

By engaging in an active, foundational discovery process, clients can...

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6 Ways To Make Your Following Happy

Creating a tribe takes time. It’s a lot like farming. You plant seeds, then water and fertilize them. They sprout, and with loving care, grow into healthy plants with root systems.


Your content is like seeds, water, and fertilizer. Compelling content raises great followers who are eager each time you offer them something new to consume.


Like farming, growing a loyal following is part tried-and-true practices and part artful experience with the unique soil you grow in. It takes a balance of trade secrets and personal experiences to raise a loyal following.


Here are some great tips for growing a loyal following:


Give things away- In a world where everyone is selling, give something away. Comedian Michael Jr. gave a Ted talk where he shared the value of giving a laugh rather than getting a laugh.

Getting a laugh focuses on getting something from the audience, whereas giving them a laugh focuses on giving something to the audience. When his intention...

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How To Accept Every Little Criticism As Genuine Advice

personal development Mar 17, 2020

Criticism is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can improve you, but on the other hand, it can shatter your confidence if you allow it. Understanding how to deal with criticism is vital to improving yourself in both your personal and professional lives.


How does it feel if someone criticizes you? Maybe you have had someone criticize your work effort or personal aspects of your life. You might feel hurt or angry, and you may even become defensive.


There are so many times when we have to deal with criticism that it’s essential to learn how to deal with it. Indeed, you don’t want someone else’s opinion to prevent you from having a happy and productive life.


Dealing with Constructive Criticism vs. Destructive Criticism


The first action in dealing with criticism is to figure out whether it is worth considering. Sometimes we may mistake personal attacks for criticism. They are not the same!


  • There are two forms of criticism: ...
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