Affirmation: I have clarity about my future

affirmations Apr 09, 2022

 I live my life with purpose, as I am sure concerning my future. My faith in my God-given purpose assures me that not all questions need immediate answers. Clarity is not about having all the answers but about trusting a positive outcome regardless of what happens.


I sometimes walk through challenging situations, but I am sure of my survival ability. I dare to face my opposition. I grow more than hopeful about the future by concentrating on my strengths rather than my limitations.


The gifts granted to me by my Creator are precisely what I need to fulfill my unique destiny. I uncover pieces of that plan by learning my own interests and discovering new skills. As I sharpen my natural abilities, my purpose becomes more apparent.


The best use of my talents is to help me in my role in this world. Therefore, I also discover my purpose by searching my soul and finding my passion.


I am confident about my choices. No matter the season of life I find myself in, I believe in myself since I understand my purpose. My eyes stay on my big picture, even though I labor through life's tedious chores.


While there are individuals who walk along with me, my purpose and future are unique to me. I refrain from being like someone else because I have different abilities. I follow my track because that road leads me where I must go.


I make time to discover my interests and passions and gain clarity about my future. I embrace my role in life with steadfast faith.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How can I stay centered on my destiny even when circumstances are grim?
  2. What are my interests and talents?
  3. What can I do with those abilities to touch another person's life?

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