How to Effectively Disallow Fears from Taking Over

personal development Mar 03, 2020

Did you know that fear is debilitating? It can totally ruin your day or even, in some cases, your life! Fear is an emotion, and while sometimes it is very valid and can help preserve your life, there are other times it must be faced and dealt with to be free.


Here are some practical strategies you can use to overcome your fears:


  1. Do you know your fears? If you can identify them, you are off to a good start. Can whatever you fear hurt you? Begin to conquer your fears by determining if they are rational or irrational.


  • When you fear things that cannot harm you in any way, you are acting with irrational fears. In reality, there is not anything to fear there. But it sure is easier said than done!
  • When they can hurt you, then there is justification in your fears. In this case, you can work out a backup plan that affords you some level of comfort.


  1. What do other women do? Whatever your fears are, someone else has experienced them as well. Search out women...
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You Need To Sleep To Be Healthy

health Mar 02, 2020

Sleep Is Important to Help Your Body Fight Colds and Flu This Season

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Sleep, can you recall a time in your life when you did not get enough?


For many of us, this happens from time to time. We are staying up late to study for finals in school. Or how about those many sleepless nights after welcoming a newborn. Or maybe you suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia.


Think back on one of those times. Chances are that those were also times when you were more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu or a stomach bug.

On the flip side, making sure you get plenty of quality sleep can serve as a sort of insurance policy.


It strengthens your immune system and helps your body fight off any type of infection or treat that comes it’s way. In addition, your body will be able to heal itself faster should you come down with something if you get plenty of rest. That is why your doctor often orders plenty of rest and fluids when you have...

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A Christian Makes Quality Time for Jesus on the Job

spirituality Mar 01, 2020

If you accept Jesus as your LORD and Savior, you promise to give Him your whole life - all aspects of it. As a Christian, your workplace is not just where you do a job. It is a ministry that Jesus has called you to do for His kingdom. No matter what type of work Jesus calls you to perform, it is essential that you bring prayer, as Jesus did, into your daily walk with Him.

Taking faith to your workplace also means you seek to please God in your decision-making rather than other people. We believe in a risen Lord. Jesus is present among us. When we represent him, verbally or non-verbally, we introduce someone to the risen Christ.


Make Time for Jesus at Work

Matthew 28:19-20 says: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Jesus expressed...

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Affirmation: I Can Learn From the Differences I Have with Others

affirmations Feb 29, 2020

Differences are part of the Creator’s gift. I am so appreciative that I have been given a unique set of skills. When I think about the talents of others, I am grateful that there are so many differences in the world.


Even when I disagree with other’s thoughts or actions, I do not take these differences personally. I am glad some people experience the world in a way that is different from mine. This lets people see solutions that might be hard to recognize or contribute ideas that might not have entered my mind.


Because people are so unique, our world is a better place. How dull would it be if everyone and everything in this world were identical? When I think about that, I can find the great beauty in the world today.


I see myself as a kid coloring an image. Instead of filling all the lines in one color, I use the whole crayon box to draw inside and outside the lines. Every color and shade, however distinct, enhances more depth to the...

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Overcome Shyness in Five Easy Steps

relationships Feb 28, 2020

Do you often find yourself feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious in social situations? If your shyness is holding you back from enjoying yourself and connecting with others, it is time to start working on building your confidence. With some dedicated effort and practice, you can tap into your inner strength and finally start living the fulfilling life you deserve.


By following the steps below, you can overcome your shyness in a healthy, gradual manner:


  1. Increase your self-confidence. A certain sense of satisfaction comes with feeling good about oneself. It makes socializing with others a more pleasant experience. When you feel secure, you can confidently express your thoughts and ideas because you know they are worthwhile and have something valuable to contribute to the conversation.


  • You can enhance self-confidence by developing your body image, successfully pursuing your goals, and establishing a rewarding romantic relationship with a partner.


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Working With A Christian Life Coach: Women Better Understand Themselves, Their Values, And Life Purpose

Christian Life Coaches are experienced professionals helping women discover their true potential and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

They work hand-in-hand with their clients, using various techniques to help them develop a Truth Mindset to better understand God, themselves, and their relationships with others.

Communication and relationships are crucial aspects of life, and life coaches emphasize their importance in their coaching process.


The coaching process is a structured approach to problem-solving, where a professional life coach collaborates with the client to identify areas that need improvement. The coach helps clients develop an action plan tailored to their unique challenges or goals.


Christian Life Coaching aims to foster a Biblical worldview and truth mindset, which are indispensable components of personal growth and development.

Through an active discovery process, clients can explore their emotions, beliefs, and thoughts with the guidance of...

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The Value of Saying the Same Thing Many Ways

People learn and take in information in numerous ways. While some people love reading, others would rather listen. Some enjoy seeing things via illustrations, while others want a personal experience to feel something before they truly understand them.


The classic four learning styles are:

  • Audio
  • Kinesthetic
  • Verbal
  • Visual


Generating compelling content works best when you find a way to say the same thing in many ways, appealing to each learning style. Sending a message through various channels makes it easier to reach all types of learners and easier to put out additional content with less effort.


An advertising rule called the Seven Times Factor describes how viewers need to see an ad seven times before truly observing it. People need to observe a message more than seven times to remember it. This means you need to adopt the value of saying the same thing in several approaches.


You can use the same compelling content again and again.

You may well feel...

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5 Fun and Easy Ways to Get Out of a Rut

personal development Feb 25, 2020

I don't know about you, but there are times when I feel less than fine. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are the words I use to describe what I am like on those days, and I am almost certainly not the greatest company. The thing is, times like those are part of being human – it is not an elective. There will always be off days, and that is all right.


But what happens after you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months, or even years?

Too many women say that they are in a rut, feel stuck, fed-up, or bored and admit that they do not want things to be that way. But we do not know what to do to change. That is the problem. When you are in a rut, you do not have the strength or motivation to shift things for the better. And it is hard to find the insight or resources you must to do that jump.


Here are things to do right now to climb, or better yet, leap, out of the rut:


  1. Do things differently

Life has a tendency to run smoothly after we...

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God Does What Is The Best For You

spirituality Feb 23, 2020

God can do all things. No purpose of God fails. There are times when this is a complicated truth to acknowledge. In particular, when you are praying for what seems to be in line with His will.


You are not advancing the request like putting a coin in a vending machine. You realize that God has the free choice to say “no”. You recognize this truth.


But you are praying for what you know based on Scripture to be His will. Perhaps you are asking God to restore your marriage or to deliver your spouse from alcoholism. Maybe you are begging Him to heal your child from a horrible disease.


The God that we serve does not speak without then acting. If God reveals that He will do something, He surely will. However, years or even decades may pass with God repeatedly saying no to your request. There are countless reasons why He denies us something we truly want.


From time to time, it is to grow your faith, such as with Joseph. Genesis 50:20 KJV tells us...

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Affirmation: I Develop More Patience with Myself and Others Daily

affirmations Feb 22, 2020

My tolerance for myself and others grows each day as I release unrealistic expectations, and develop patience.


I am accepting and forgiving of myself. I continue to have more patience daily by simply living in the present and letting go of the impossible. My acceptance and leniency of others have increased as well by releasing expectations I place on them.


If I create impossible expectations for myself or others, I set us all up for failure. Having extreme expectations is my mind's effort to control the uncontrollable. By releasing the need to control, I can let go of my expectations and be myself.


I focus, instead, on facing what develops in my life from a fresh viewpoint. I am ready for all life brings my way without setting limitations. Concentrating on appreciating the journey permits me to be more understanding and accepting and, therefore, more loving and thoughtful. In this way, I can enhance my love for myself and others.


Today I concentrate...

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