This is the Time to Discover Your Dreams

life coaching Jan 16, 2020

Sometimes you feel like you have all the time in the world to realize your dreams. Yet there are daily reminders that our time on Earth is fleeting. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how much time you have left, which is precisely why there is no time than now to make your dreams come true! 


Concentrate On The Positive

It is vital to start off with positive thoughts. As you think positively about yourself and your dreams, you will begin to believe that you can accomplish anything. These early positive emotions can lead to a dedicated drive and enthusiasm that will help build lasting momentum.

Remember that nearly everyone feels overwhelmed when you are about to embark on a long journey. That is exactly why it is easy to fall into negative thinking patterns, but you must combat those ideas. It can be tough to imagine that so much can be achieved simply by having positive thoughts, but it is real!

The truth is, when you imagine something as startling as "I could...

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Marketing Will Make You Successful

Marketing is a vital component of running any lucrative business. Most entrepreneurs are very good at what they do best. It could be speaking, coaching, writing content, or other highly valuable activity, but marketing is vital to getting out about their goods and services. This means business owners must understand marketing and successfully market themselves so they are noticed.  


The Many Hats of a Skillful Marketer

Skillful marketers must wear many hats. Marketing includes multiple aspects of their business. Nearly everything an entrepreneur does consists of some form of marketing. Let’s take a look.


Hat #1: Skillful marketers know how to convey their value. Having a great product or service won’t guarantee any sales if no one knows they exist. Great marketers can communicate the benefits of their goods and services concisely and with credibility. Through the power of persuasion, great marketers can express why their goods and services surpass...

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How to Find the Most Fulfilling Life-Focus Activities

personal development Jan 14, 2020

Anything you focus on will usually manifest itself in your life. Many individuals refer to this as the Law of Attraction. Unlike the speed limit, it is one of those universal laws that you really cannot break. Sooner or later, whatever you focus on will be what your life becomes.


Discovering the proper life focus can be challenging. Lots of factors catch your attention and drag you away from your passions. If you devote too much time to look at the distractions of life, those distractions can keep you from accomplishing the things you value most.


Activities to Focus on in Your Life


Countless ideas, obligations, and thoughts compete for your attention every day. Consider the following questions when you are trying to decide on the activities you want to focus on more deeply:


  1. Where would you like to be in your profession? If you are not where you would like to be, what could you do to move forward in the direction of your professional aspirations?
  2. How are...
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Shameless: Anxiety And Depression Are Not Controversial, Rare, Or Weird

health Jan 13, 2020

It is not certainly uncommon for women to go through occasional anxiety or depression, especially in response to life's stressors. But, if those feelings become disproportionate or prolonged with no significant reason, it needs to be addressed by a professional


Fortunately, diagnosing and treatment approaches have come a long way, partially thanks to numerous public health campaigns to bring mental health issues 'out of the shadow'.


The co-existence of anxiety and depression is a noted feature of the disorders. While behavioral and emotional symptoms vary within the two, the fact remains that both are unnatural and unwelcome states of a woman's mental health.


Anxiety is described as a constant overwhelming state of fear or worry and can be debilitating with physical manifestations. The symptoms of depression are similar with an unrelenting feeling of despair or sadness.


The precise cause is still uncertain. Fluctuations of brain chemistry, genetic...

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Why Has Our World Come To Be Less Caring

spirituality Jan 12, 2020

"Imagine what would happen through you if you shared your testimony, gave God the time He deserves, used your talents and gifts to serve Him by serving others, and invested God's treasures in a way that changed the world" – Tim Passmore.


Think about that, "…used your talents and gifts to serve Him by serving others." For centuries, women have recognized the power of kindness. Not only does being kind help others around you, but it positively impacts your life as well.

But, it seems life has taken women to a place where we no longer value kindness as a trait. Compassion has been swapped with self-importance and wanting to stay impersonal. My question is, why has our world come to be less kind?

Is it that we no longer are concerned about others? Do we think kindness makes us weaker? Is this lack of kindness from some global change?

The truth is, kindness has become less and less important in our daily lives for several reasons.

  • Our environments cause women to...
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Affirmation: I can Remain Faithful to New Habits

affirmations Jan 11, 2020

I form new habits to enhance my life and improve my overall satisfaction. I am resolved to keep on practicing the healthy habits I have established. The power necessary to successfully form and keep new habits is in me.


I have tolerance for myself when creating challenging new habits. At times it takes days or months to form a new behavior pattern. I have the patience to keep trying.


Repetition is my key to success. To change new activities into habits, I must exercise repetition. I achieve my new activities with hard work and great effort daily.  


If I feel persuaded to give up, I push myself to do it again. I communicate my goals with those closest to me and gather their support. With the help of my loved ones and my reminders, I am successful!


When establishing new habits, I take them one day and one habit at a time. An easy-going pace helps me progressively make a long-lasting change. I forgive myself when there are setbacks and jump right...

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The 5 Best Ways to Deal with Negative People

relationships Jan 10, 2020

No matter our profession, we all come in contact with difficult, negative people from time to time. Our primal instinct is to defend ourselves, fight back, and react to their negativity with some of our own. However, we are not animals who respond by instincts. We are human beings with the capacity to manage our reactions.


  • To fight anger with anger merely exhausts our energy and brings us down to their level.


Why are people challenging?


When people act negatively, it is a reflection of what is going on inside them. It is about them; it is not about you. It may be a complex, troubled past or something as straightforward as a terrible day that gets an individual angry.


  • Individuals who are unhappy and bored with their own lives will pursue conflict to enhance their egos.


Our ego then reacts by thinking, “I need to be right. If I don’t reply, I’m admitting defeat.” Then we find ourselves involved in a conflict that harms us...

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Reasons You Need to be Working with a Life Coach

life coaching Jan 09, 2020

Life Coaching helps a variety of women with nearly every type of goal or aspiration, whether professional or personal. Any woman can benefit from Life Coaching.

Why Life Coaching?

The point of Life Coaching is to create an action plan that helps you change your behavior in some area of your life.

What is more comfortable: Working toward your goals alone through trial and error, or seeking the guidance and direction of someone who has 'been there, done that, bought the t-shirt'?

The answer is clear. When you seek advice from someone who has been through it all before, you avoid making the same mistakes. You can spend your time and energy on what truly works. That is the power of a Life Coach’s help and expertise.

Think of yourself with a set plan and just the right advice. Life Coaching can cut months off the time it would have taken you to achieve your goals.

If you have never worked with a Life Coach before, you probably have some questions about how it actually works and how...

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What Happens When You Make A Digital Footprint?

Everything we do online has the potential to remain online…indefinitely. This can affect your personal and business finances, and other areas of your life. 


What Is a Digital Footprint…and How Big is Yours?

Our digital footprint, also known as a digital shadow, is the cumulative traceable digital activity we create over time. Our digital footprint includes active and passive activity. Here's how-


We contribute to our digital footprint actively- Each time we go online and engage in digital activity, we add to our digital footprint. Examples of active contributions include:


  • Sending emails
  • Using social media
  • Posting pictures
  • Posting videos
  • Having a blog
  • Commenting on websites
  • Completing online forms


These types of activities are something you can control. You can increase or decrease your footprint depending on how active you are online.


We contribute to our digital footprint passively- Many times, our online activity adds to our...

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How to Be Successful in 3 Easy Steps

personal development Jan 07, 2020

Despite what you might think, nothing is between you and your goals! Obstacles are for conquering, so long as you keep trying. You can reach excellence if you do your best to get to your fullest potential.

Apply these three easy steps for just four minutes daily, and you will be on your way to extraordinary successes:

  1. Reaffirm your self-belief. It is easy to suffer the loss of your self-confidence. When it seems like things are not going your way, the instinct is to feel doubtful. It is crucial to reaffirm your self-belief daily.

* Look in the mirror. Tell yourself that you trust in your capabilities.

* Reflect on the past. Think about all you have accomplished. If you have been successful in the past, why couldn't you do it again?

* Write a personal affirmation. Commit it to memory. Recite it daily. Positive self-talk can offer you the motivation to go after anything your heart desires.

  1. Assess your hard work. Take time every day to evaluate your efforts. Did you try your best in...
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