Life Coach for Ladies Online Store

Want a Powerful Tool for Improving

ALL of Your Relationships?


Everyone loves personality ASSESSMENTS!

One of the main goals of the DISC Personality Assessment is to help women understand others better, improving their relationships. The DISC Personality Assessment is designed to assist users in gaining a deeper understanding of other individuals by analyzing their behavior and personality traits.

By doing so, women can enhance their interpersonal relationships and develop more meaningful connections with others. The primary purpose of the assessment is to provide valuable insights into the four main personality types: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.

Through this process, women can identify their own personality type and learn how to communicate more effectively with others who possess different personality traits.

Ultimately, the DISC Personality Assessment aims to foster greater understanding, empathy, and collaboration among individuals, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

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Do you want to go through training to help you master your health, wealth, or relationships but cannot imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?

We have built an online training curriculum that provides you with the benefits of live training, but without the constraints.

Resources for Purchase

This section consists of resources for purchase in downloadable PDF format.

Use these materials to help you move forward, get motivated, and commit to action. 

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New Year's Resolution Roadmap

Goals can challenge you and help you grow into a new future. Women are looking ahead to a brighter future by rethinking their New Year's resolution strategies. 


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Rest in God

30-Day Devotional

This 30-Day Devotional provides a specific Bible passage reading for each day, a few thoughts on the theme of the reading, and a brief prayer, to use during daily prayer or meditation


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My Happiness Planner

Focus on yourself and your happiness for an entire year. Includes a 4-week month-at-a-glance calendar page for each month, a detailed daily page including hours 7A-6P, and space for notes.

1 Year Planner

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Bible Study: In the Wilderness

What is a wilderness and the purpose of a wilderness?

What you'll get:

  •  Don’t Walk in Fear
  • Evaluate your Situation
  • Repentance & Promotion
  • Abiding Presence
  • The Fire called Worship

Bible study on surviving a spiritual wilderness experience. 

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Your Inner Vision

eBook & Workbook

Creator God made us in His image - creative. Visualizing begins creating.

Everything we create comes about because someone visualizes an answer to a need. Then  how to put it to use.

Using your inner vision is not attempting to manifest under your own power. Everything is co-created with God.

A significant way to honor God for the amazing way He made you is to use your creativity to make a distinctive mark on the world.

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How to Make a Reconnection After a Season of Drift


A spiritual 'infection' creeps in on the believer if they are not careful. Drift happens if you take your eyes off Him. It creeps in when you do not focus on His love for you. When the world comes into focus and begins to fill your heart full of the world’s cares, spiritual drift is on the horizon.

But spiritual drift is not your final destination. The Christ your heart loved is still there. His promises are never removed. There are clear paths to restoring that first love. Drift is just a season. You can get back on course.

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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Plan For Your Future

Transformation is an inside job, and change is a process. My courses will provide you proven, practical processes to successfully create life change, but even more importantly, they will provide step-by-step processes for totally transforming your life from the inside out.

In my courses, you will learn how to create life transformation by:

·        Identifying the blocks that hold you back so you can become unstoppable

·        Overcoming fear of change, rejection, and failure so you can feel confident going for your dream

·        Developing self-mastery by reprogramming limiting beliefs

·        Developing a growth mindset so you know without a doubt that nothing can stand in your way again

·        Getting absolutely clear about what you REALLY want and who you REALLY are so you can stop living everyone else’s dreams

I invite you to join me on a quest for transformation that will lead you on a hero’s journey to a place where you really can do what you dream of and become all that you are meant to be.

Limited-time free downloadable resources:

Take advantage of free eBooks, planners, and more! Download in PDF form right from your computer. The selection will vary from time to time, so check back often. When you see something you like offered in this FREE resource section, download it at that time - you may find it in the resources for purchase section later. Also, feel free to contact me with requests for your topics of interest!

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How to Make and Use Affirmations

Affirmations are tools that Christians can use to give thanks to God for all He has given them and to help them with daily reminders for reaching goals.

What you will learn:

  • What are affirmations
  • Why/when to use affirmations
  • How to create your affirmations

Christian affirmations can be both declarations of faith and sources of personal encouragement.


  • I am being made holy by God’s truths. (from John 17:17)
  • I am strong and courageous.
    (from Joshua 1:9) 
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Intimacy in Friendship

Friendships bring both joy and heartache. And that is when it starts – the creation of our mask. 

We want to look at how we can take the mask off and start to be authentic.

If people accept you because of the false front you present – then deep down, you know it is only the false front receiving acceptance. The real you will remain alone, and you know it. That is why many women we see as “picture perfect” are struggling with deep insecurities. 

What you'll get in this report:

  • Intimacy = Into me see. 
  • How do we start? 
  • God made us for relationship

When we can discover how to live our lives through our Father’s eyes, we recognize ourselves as imperfect women. We will also learn to accept others as imperfect people too. We can also take away our masks and permit others to do so.


What Ladies Are Saying*:

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Yvonne V.

"When I first approached Coach Sandra, I told her that I only wanted to work on finding ways to help my career. I believed that I was dealing with the other areas of my life OK by myself. I did not recognize that the patterns of behavior affecting my professional living were patterns that also affected my personal life. When I opened up and committed to making the most of my career, I was given the gift of improving other aspects of my life."

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Wendy T.

"Working with Coach Sandra has been a life-changing event for me. Her coaching consistently provides fresh opportunities to determine the true nature of my life condition, to come to be clearly aware of where I am, Where I really want to go, and, most crucially, what I need to do once I get there. Once the way is clear, Coach Sandra's coaching gives a gentle but effective accountability mechanism to keep me on the transformational track that I have chosen."

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Queenie U.

"I was trapped in a pit. Coach Sandra looked deep into that pit at me and figuratively said, "Hi, would you like to come out here into the world?" She thoughtfully and gently led me out of the pit. In only a few months, I have seen my stress level drop and my overall professional and personal life satisfaction grow by leaps and bounds. I feel happier and freer than I have been in the last 20 years of my life. Thank you Coach Sandra."


*Note: Life Coaching results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

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Do you have the heart to see others...

  • Step more fully into their God-given calling?
  • Set and reach their goals?
  • Maximize their potential?
  • Grow personally and professionally?

Learn how to help God’s children by equipping them to reach their fullness in how they were created and to discover their God-given inner gifts and hidden strengths so they can better understand how they have been built in the image of Christ. 

Life is a journey. Sometimes we all need a trusted companion along the way.

Life Coach for Ladies is excited to launch: The Christian Coaches' Coach 38-week course in Christian Coach-Mentoring.

This course will equip and train ladies to be Coach-Mentors from a Christian standpoint. Coach-Mentoring comes out of a woman's personal life experiences and her walk with the Lord. The classes help you to identify your own personality style, spiritual gifts, and alignment with Jesus.

Use these insights for empowering yourself, building up your family and friends, and to help many others in their journey to success and fulfillment of their goals and God's plan for their lives.

God has a purpose for you! And He will help you fulfill it! If you are looking to step more fully into your God-given purpose and calling as a Christian Coach-Mentor, I would love to help you.

Get more Info

Do you...

  • Desire to get started in one of the fastest-growing fields in the world?
  • Long for a place where your faith is celebrated?
  • Seek to incorporate biblical principles into your ministry or work?
… then the Christian Coaches' Coach was designed for ladies just like you!

Proverbs 31:25 - "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come." 


General Disclaimer Information

The information, resources, and products contained in the Life Coach for Ladies (LC4L) and/or The Coaches Coach (TCC) electronic, spoken, written, live or recorded Books, Coaching, eBooks, Planners, Reports, Training Videos, Workbooks, and accompanying text, verbiage, or language, and any and all materials are general in nature and are not intended to provide or be a substitute for advice, consultation, or treatment with a duly licensed financial advisor, legal advisor, or mental health practitioner.  Alert: Given the sensitive nature of many of the topics and issues that LC4L and TCC address, individuals should be aware of potential emotional and/or psychological reactions that may arise due to current or past traumatic experiences, and therefore take appropriate precautions to safeguard one’s overall well-being. This information, resources, and products are intended to provide practical faith-based guidelines and biblical principles for balanced living and are not a replacement for medical advice. Professional services should be pursued whenever necessary and/or appropriate. LC4L and TCC and all trainings are resources of Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC (KEM) intended to provide practical, faith-based guidelines for balanced living and are not a replacement for financial, legal, or medical advice. As such, consumers, participants, facilitators, supervisors, and trainees should seek professional services whenever necessary and/or appropriate. By utilizing any materials, all parties acknowledge that KEM is not entering into or providing direct, clinically oriented mental health treatment or therapy and that the training process and/or experience does not create a therapeutic relationship between any party and KEM. All parties also agree to indemnify and hold KEM, its licensees, affiliates and assigns, and the officers, agents, and employees of KEM, and its licensees, affiliates, and assigns, harmless from and against any and all loss, damages, costs, charges, legal fees, recoveries, judgments, penalties, and expenses, which may be obtained against, imposed upon, or suffered by KEM. Additionally, certain views and opinions expressed in resources may be those from sources other than KEM and do not necessarily represent the views of KEM, nor imply an endorsement by KEM. All rights are reserved worldwide, and no part of this resource may be reproduced in any form (print or electronic) without the expressed written permission of Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC.

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