Mastering Anger Management

relationships Nov 06, 2020

You need to take control over your emotions to master anger management. You will need to get into a mindset that allows you to think before you speak or act.

If you do not learn to control your anger, you can destroy the relationships around you and cause emotional and physical harm to everyone, including yourself.

About Anger

Anger serves an essential function. Anger is an emotion that warns women that something is wrong. It may even help us get out of dangerous conditions. But at times, the threats are just perceived, and anger is not appropriate.

Anger itself is not the main problem. Attempting to feel less angry may help you in some circumstances. But your goal should be to discover how to express yourself more healthily.

These seven strategies will assist you in keeping a 'cool head':

1. Do not React. Think about the settings that have moved you into trouble in the past. You likely instantly reacted to the problem at hand with angry emotions. If presented with a stressful...

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Worrying About Making Mistakes Is The Greatest Mistake Of All

life coaching Nov 05, 2020

I want to ask you some Life Coach questions:

  • What are your long-term goals?
  • What is your situation right now?
  • What are your options for action?
  • What is stopping you?


Many women are anxious about making a mistake if they try to accomplish something. Some are so petrified of making a misstep that they will not try something new at all. They are scared of expanding their skill set because they are afraid of doing it incorrectly and making an error.


They are so worried about the embarrassment of making a mistake in front of others and the possible ridicule they may experience. However, not allowing yourself to try something new, go through new experiences, and learn a new skill set is a recipe for holding you back from your greatest potential. And that just may be your greatest mistake.


Fear of Mistakes Holds you Back

If you shy away from trying something new, you limit your potential and your ability to handle things. It also limits your ability to achieve the...

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Prediabetes and diabetes ā€“ what can you do?

health Nov 04, 2020

November 14, 2019, is World Diabetes Day (WDD). It is the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. WDD was created in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes.

Having prediabetes means your blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal—but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Prediabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes.
Prediabetes can often be reversed.
With type 1 diabetes, your body cannot make insulin, so you need to take insulin every day. Type 1 diabetes is less common than type 2 diabetes; about 5% of the people who have diabetes have type 1. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes.

With type 2 diabetes, your body cannot properly use insulin (a hormone that helps glucose get into the cells of the body). You can get type 2 diabetes at any age, but you are at higher risk if you are...

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3 Simple Ways to Boost Confidence Now

personal development Nov 03, 2020

I have been coaching ladies for a few years. The biggest thing I have learned, both for my clients and myself, is that the key to it all is inner confidence. 

There are multiple strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behavior, and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself. But they are redundant if the foundation is not stable. That foundation is your genuine self, the you that deep down you know you are. The secret is that it takes confidence to find that foundation and bring out the real you.


Three steps to confidence you can take today:


  1. Understand your values


Personal values are a big passion, and I often get carried away when I talk about them. I make no apology for that, though. They are one of the most important things you can know about yourself and are vital in getting genuine inner confidence.

Your values are right at the very core of who you are. They are building blocks, cornerstones, and foundations. A value...

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Imbalanced Professional Life Will Make You Compromise

health Nov 02, 2020

The Importance of Work-Life Balance

The importance of maintaining a healthy balance between a woman's professional and personal life cannot be overstated. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and relaxation alongside career goals and responsibilities. A work-life balance can increase happiness, productivity, and overall well-being.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for women's well-being and satisfaction. When their personal and professional lives align, it can lead to better relationships, increased productivity, and improved mental health.


Let's delve into the significance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life and the potential consequences of an imbalance.


Understanding Work-Life Balance

Achieving a work-life balance is essential for maintaining overall well-being and productivity. The concept revolves around striking a balance between the demands of work and personal life. A healthy work-life balance involves finding a way to meet...

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Focus on the Christian fundamentals of spiritual enlightenment

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2020

On the day of his death Jesus abstained from protecting himself, released all emotions of anger, frustration, and pain, then offered compassion and forgiveness to those persecuting him.


Spiritual enlightenment transforms our lives and takes us into conformity to God’s will both doctinallly and in how we live our lives as followers of Christ.


We share our desires for understanding, love, and peace with others, whether in small or large ways.


What is Enlightenment, and Does it Matter?


Enlightenment is a popular term thrown around by a variety of philosophers and religions. The word “enlightenment” used by Emmanuel Kant is not the equivalent of Buddhist enlightenment, but they share several similarities. Enlightenment is getting an accurate view of the world and how it works. It is much more common to view the world through distorted glasses.


The term ‘spiritual enlightenment’ usually has overtones of New...

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Affirmation: I Know Seeing the Big Picture in My Mind Helps Me to be More Patient

affirmations Oct 31, 2020

Thinking about the big picture is a source of strength for me. It sustains my hope. Concentrating on the whole situation reminds me that every action, decision, and sacrifice I make today shapes my future.


Tedious parts of everyday living grow to be less trivial if I think about them in light of the big picture. When I consider my fundamental purpose, I am patient and begin to appreciate the seemingly insignificant happenings in my life.


Occasionally, I may grow weary because my dreams are not coming true in the way I hoped. Fear tries to make itself at home in my mind, but it cannot linger because I keep my eyes on the prize.


I focus on the goal so that I press on with endurance. I enjoy the peace that my best days remain ahead of me. Being patient is painless when I remember that life is about so much more than just the current situation I find myself in.


Each day is a speck in the grand scheme of things compared to the fulfillment and joy awaiting me....

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Jesus is the way to Restoring Broken Relationships

relationships Oct 30, 2020

Though a painful reality, broken relationships are not the end of the story. Whether it’s with family members, friends, or others close to us, the heartache from these fractures can feel overwhelming. However, the message of the Gospel is one of hope and restoration. Jesus Christ, the ultimate restorer, came to heal the wounds of our broken relationships and bring us back into harmony. His life and teachings provide a roadmap for restoration, guiding us towards reconciliation and peace. He restores our relationships and gives us supernatural power to love and treat each other with dignity and respect.


Jesus: The Ultimate Restorer

Jesus consistently reached out to marginalized, hurt, or estranged people throughout His ministry. He sought out the lost, healed the broken, and restored relationships wherever He went. One powerful example is the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Zacchaeus was an outcast, someone despised by his community for his corrupt practices. But...

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You See More Growth When You See a Life Coach

life coaching Oct 29, 2020

Have you been feeling unmotivated?

Maybe you are feeling complacent in one area of your life or another and need a little push?

We have all been there—the days when life feels overwhelming, or we let fear overpower motivation or burnout sets in. There is a multitude of reasons women can get to an unmotivated state. 

Staying motivated is an ongoing practice and requires taking daily steps to being your best self! A Life Coach offers actionable steps that push you out of the rut, and back into a space of productivity and achievement!


What is a Life Coach?

Life Coaching empowers women to develop the clarity, strength, strategies, and personal growth habits to go as far as their imaginations take them. Every woman has a goal they wish to achieve, but not every woman recognizes how to reach that goal.

I am here to help fill the gaps so that every woman can become the best version of herself, no matter the specific challenge or obstacle she faces in...

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Four Ways to Be Delighted in the Everyday Life

personal development Oct 27, 2020

Life is a beautiful journey. A journey that you only get the pleasure of enjoying once. So, you must maximize your time on this earth by ensuring that you appreciate every single moment you can.


It truly is those little things in life that bring us the most joy. Some women believe that their level of personal happiness is dependent upon the actions of others. While contributions from loved ones certainly can boost your spirits, the key to everyday satisfaction rests in your own hands.


Four easy approaches to bring more pleasure into your life each day:


  1. Spend alone-time with your partner. Love is the most powerful prescription for happiness. Luckily, it is free, enjoyable for both parties, and readily available! Take advantage of the beautiful person you have by your side and spend as much quality time together as possible.


* Schedule a monthly date night, even if you live with each other. (Hint: Being in a lively atmosphere where the crowd disappears...

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