Affirmation: I Know All Activities that I Accomplish are Rooted in Thanksgiving

affirmations Nov 21, 2020

My day-to-day activities are intentional. I prefer to move through life with a thankful attitude. That focus allows me to maintain a positive mindset. All activities that I accomplish are rooted in thanksgiving


As I step into my office every day, I tell myself that having this job is a luxury. Being thankful for this occupation gives me the motivation to work diligently.


Before I welcome my friends, I express gratitude that I can see them and communicate with them. My initial statements set a positive tone for our conversations.


The simple blessings in life are apparent to me with every step that I make. I move deliberately and with enthusiasm as I am blessed with the capability to walk. I stay away from moping around even when I am feeling down. A spirit of thankfulness guides my steps.


Giving thanks is a genuine part of my life. I celebrate occasions to show my thankful mindset. Acknowledging goodness in life allows me to live happily and peacefully.


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Think You Want To Be A Christian Life Coach?

life coaching Nov 19, 2020


  1. What is a Christian Life Coach?


Christian Life Coaches help people from a Biblical perspective as they seek to transform their lives to the glory of Christ. Many psychological transformation models fall short from a Biblical point of view. A Christian life coach is someone who helps others to overcome obstacles and to achieve their goals. To find freedom internally, clients must move away from the lies and dead-end thinking patterns they have believed. True transformation is by the Word of God. A Christian life coach is someone who helps others to understand the teachings of Christ and to apply them to their own lives. Christ is our source of hope, and His Word is the foundation and power of real change in our lives. A Christian life coach helps others to live a Christian life.


  1. How to live a Christian life

The root source of the Christian life is the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christ taught his followers to love one another, forgive one another, and turn...

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3 Ways to Overcome the Fear of the Unknown

personal development Nov 17, 2020

Conquering the fear of the unknown is a challenging endeavor, but it is possible. If you agonize from a fear of uncertainty, knowing what fear is and how it impacts you can allow you to embark on the road to conquering it.


There are several definitions for fear; however, the most fundamental meaning of fear is an emotional response because we face something unfamiliar or feel impending danger.


When women experience fear, several physiological and psychological responses take place all at the same time.


Psychological events include feeling emotionally overwhelmed, having high levels of anxiety, and even feeling terrified. Physiological responses include a faster heart rate, shallow breathing, and similar effects.


Experiencing fear can significantly impact your view on life, your confidence levels, and even the potential that you have as an individual.


Here is an illustration of a situation where a woman had the crippling fear that everything she did...

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Keep Your Mental Health Strong Throughout the Holidays

health Nov 16, 2020

The holidays may be a very challenging time. You might have concerns about weight gain, family members, work, money, and all kinds of other things. The delightful news is that you can maintain your mental health strength and vibrancy during the holidays, even with all these concerns.


You are able to have great joy in the busiest of times with some positive choices. Happiness comes from inside, and taking control of your life gives you both confidence and joy. But during the holiday season, it may look as if your life gets out of control very quickly. There is constantly too much to do. And, people are largely more demanding of your time and energy.


Three actions to protect and preserve your mental health during the holidays:


  1. Keep in mind the importance of quiet time. One of the most substantial stressors you may have to deal with when the holidays are in full swing is the shortage of personal time. It is easy to get wrapped up in everyone else's drama and not...
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Affirmation: I Release any Anger Through my Soul

affirmations Nov 14, 2020

I consider decisions with a calm manner and a serene attitude. I live in a positive mindset that presumes success. Even when I feel frustrated, I manage each situation with grace and composure.


Those I love feel a refreshing peace in the storms of life as I respond calmly and efficiently to them.


I have power over anger. I quickly overcome feelings of ire and replace them with moderation. I focus on solutions rather than challenges.


I discover more and more about who I am and about my capabilities daily. Instead of feeling helpless and annoyed when things are less than optimal, I solicit help and build a support system to get the job accomplished.


I deal with negative feelings quickly and decisively. I learn the lessons the negative feelings bring, and I promptly discard them in favor of more positive thoughts.


Life is too beautiful to stay angry for very long. I cherish every moment of my life. I readily release anger from my soul and change it to...

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Handle Painful Conversations Like A Boss - With Simple Positive Statements

relationships Nov 13, 2020

No matter how much we may try, there is just no way to escape some difficult conversations. However, there are positive things we can say and do to help us better handle them.


The first response may be to change the subject when faced with a complex conversation. This will not solve the problem or heal the hurt that caused the situation in the first place. It is healthier to take in a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and face the difficulty now rather than later.


Keep in mind that it is not your responsibility to fix the situation unless you were directly involved. People sometimes need a friend to listen to when they are going through challenging circumstances. They do not want you to fix issues for them.


Being accessible to listen is sometimes the most excellent way to show your friend that you care.


If the situation obliges you to talk with a person going through struggles, try to put yourself in their shoes. What might you wish for a friend to tell...

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You'll Want Organizational Coaching in a Work-Life Balance

life coaching Nov 12, 2020

When setting goals, the Bible offers a unique perspective that is balanced and insightful. According to Biblical teachings, goal setting should be approached with planning, wisdom, and humility. This means that while it is important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it is equally important to acknowledge your limitations and seek guidance from God as you make your plans.

Organizational coaching is a highly valuable tool that women can utilize to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

It involves working with a coach who provides guidance, support, and feedback to help women achieve Christ-centered goals and improve their overall well-being. Women can experience several benefits that contribute to their success and happiness by working with a coach.


Firstly, organizational coaching can help women identify and prioritize their personal and professional goals.

This can help them focus on what truly matters to them and create a plan of action to achieve their...

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Unlock The Courage To Overcome PTSD With Faith

spirituality Nov 11, 2020


Those who suffer trauma during events like abuse, injuries, war, etc., may develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many combat veterans, as well as abuse survivors battle with PTSD. Combat Trauma and PTSD are not just psychological conditions. They are spiritual as well. 


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can cause many symptoms. Three categories of symptoms are:


  1. Re-experiencing
  • Flashbacks—reliving trauma again and again, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating
  • Nightmares
  • Frightening thoughts

Re-experiencing can bring about problems in a person’s everyday routine. Words, items, or situations that are reminders of events can trigger re-experiencing.


  1. Avoidance
  • Evading -  events, objects, or places that are reminders of the experience
  • Feeling emotionally numb
  • Feeling intense depression, guilt, or apprehension
  • Losing interest in events that were fun in the past
  • Having trouble recalling the trauma


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Seven Helpful Ways to Make a Terrible Day Better

personal development Nov 10, 2020

No matter how hard you strive, bad days are going to creep up now and then. While you cannot regulate the things that happen to you, you can manage your responses. You can also releave a negative situation by taking action to remedy the problem.


The first task is to acknowledge the fact that you are having a miserable day. Once you do this, you can consciously choose not to concentrate on the negatives anymore. Allowing all those emotions to spin around in your head is only going to make your day worse.


The next task is to discover something you can do to cheer yourself up. Every woman is different and likes different things. What ‘cheers you up’ is not necessarily going to be the same for everyone.


Check out these ideas for turning your bad day around:


  1. Finding comforting activities. A rotten day is prone to trigger you to get stressed out and tense up. You can combat this feeling by participating in something you find relaxing, such as...
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Affirmation: I Understand that Communication of My Feelings is Important

affirmations Nov 07, 2020

Because I know that relationships cannot flourish without understanding and communication, I share my honest feelings with the special people in my life.


I know there is a possibility of the other person misinterpreting or even get angry. But I am convinced that we can work through these hitches and use them to develop deeper relationships with communication.


It is a wonderful thing to be happy, content, and peaceful. When I feel that way, I am more than pleased to share my good feelings.


I also acknowledge that life is often far too challenging to be in a perpetually happy state, and I will not pretend for the sake of keeping the waters calm.


I strive for genuineness in my relationships. I would like those I love to know they can come to me if they are hurt or upset. I set a precedent by being accessible to them and sharing my fears, worries, and struggles along the way.


I recognize that some people in life are merely polite when they ask how...

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