Affirmation: I use goal setting to counter uncertainty.

affirmations Mar 05, 2022

Life has many twists and turns. But I steer clear of getting confused and worried by the uncertainties. My strategy is to set goals, so I prepare for whatever life throws my way.


The economy is very unpredictable, so I plan for that. My financial stability is the most significant priority so that I can weather any economic storm.


I stick to the savings goals I set each month. Before spending a cent, I put away a predetermined sum for rainy days. This approach protects me from struggling when life throws a curveball.


My emotional well-being is also a priority. Positive relationships add so much to my life, but I avoid relying on them for my happiness.


I spend time performing things that bring me fulfillment and joy. This approach allows me to maintain my peace of mind even when friends come and go. Each day, I plan to spend time with myself to avoid being impacted by unexpected aloneness.


Goal setting prevents disruptions from creating havoc in my life. I am calm and composed when hit by an unexpected occurrence. It is easy for me to resume normalcy because I am a planner.


Today, I acknowledge the effectiveness of planning for the unexpected. Each area of my life is important enough for me to prepare for uncertainties. I am committed to setting realistic goals to maintain my peace of mind.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How do I recover when something happens that I cannot plan for in advance?
  2. When is it necessary for me to set aggressive goals?
  3. How often do I encounter uncertainty in life?

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