Turn The Tables on Negative People

Negative people are burdened with various lusts and issues that they are either not dealing with or are using to influence and control their relationship with you.


They might cause stress, scandals, struggles, or conflicts. You may experience repeated violations of your boundaries, such as manipulation, verbal abuse, or physical, emotional, or spiritual harm. Spending time with them can leave you feeling drained and fatigued.


You probably know more than your fair share of negative people! Since they are everywhere, it is important to understand how to live with them.


Dealing with troublesome individuals who disrupt our lives is covered in many Scriptures.


In 1 Corinthians 15:33, the Apostle Paul urges us, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.’”


In Proverbs 22:24-25, we are warned, “Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get...

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Christian Life Coaching - This Is What You Need To Know

life coaching Feb 20, 2020
  1. What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching is a professional service that helps people identify and achieve personal and professional goals. Faith and the Biblical Worldview shape the entire field of Christian Life Coaching. God has a bigger view of you than you can imagine. Christian Life Coaches work with their clients to assist them in overcoming obstacles, developing positive habits, and making lasting changes in their lives.


  1. The Benefits of Christian Life Coaching

There are numerous benefits to working with a life coach.

Some of the most common benefits include:

  • Enhanced communication and interpersonal skills
  • Greater self-awareness
  • Greater work/life balance
  • Improved decision-making
  • Improved goal-setting and time management
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Increased motivation and confidence


  1. The Christian Life Coaching Process

The Christian Life Coaching process is unique to each client and based on the individual's needs and goals.


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Spotlight On Christian Life Coaches

life coaching Feb 20, 2020

The primary objective of Christian Life Coaching is to assist clients in defining and accomplishing their goals, unlocking their full potential, and fulfilling their divine purpose. The coaching process involves a systematic approach to finding solutions.

Christian Life Coaches play a crucial role in helping individuals reach their full potential and discover their hidden talents.

As facilitators, they provide guidance and support to their clients, but ultimately, the client leads the way. Through a collaborative and empowering process, life coaches help individuals uncover their strengths, passions, and goals and work with them to develop a plan of action to achieve their desired outcomes.


By fostering self-awareness and self-confidence, life coaches help their clients unlock their true potential and create a fulfilling and purposeful life. Life coaches are crucial in assisting individuals to achieve personal growth and development. They do this by guiding their clients...

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You Need to Make Professional Boundaries

Marketing is the meat and potatoes of sales. It is the springboard for sales conversations and engaging your audience. Building a tribe that wants to buy from you is a beautiful thing, but there are times when having an eager tribe can be a bit overwhelming.

As the age-old saying goes, if you are not careful, your tribe can have you stepping and fetching. One critical skill set that marketers need is setting healthy boundaries that protect your worth and value.


Setting Boundaries That Protect Your Worth and Value


If you are new to the business, it can seem rewarding and a bit exciting to have customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders in your company wanting to connect. You might love engaging people and connecting one on one.

Your sales might require essential conversations, and customer service is always top of mind. As things grow, some snares can cause some problems in sales and deal with customers and clients.


Consider this:

Some people always want to...

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How To Best Deal with Disappointment

personal development Feb 18, 2020

Every woman faces disappointments in life, both big and small.


It is essential to accept our disappointments and not just ignore them, but how do we do it effectively? The answer rests in discovering constructive ways to accept disappointments.


* If you let it, disappointment can build character and patience. Learning to deal with disappointments constructively can make you a stronger woman in the end.


Coping with Disappointment


One of the first things to do when dealing with disappointment is to identify old coping strategies. Everyone has them. Do you reach for that pint of rocky road ice cream? Do you withdraw into a room all by yourself? Do you get drunk trying to forget the disappointment?


Once you recognize that your old strategy is not working, it is time to create a new one.


Five tips for effectively dealing with your disappointments:


  1. Acknowledge what you are feeling. You can honestly express the emotions you are feeling....
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Better Health ā€“ is what happens when diet and exercise are improved!

health Feb 17, 2020

Stay Healthy Through Improved Diet and Exercise


One of the most important things you can do to avoid getting sick – and not just from cold and flu, but anything else out there that is contagious – is keep your body as strong and healthy as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to eat a healthy diet and get some sort of daily exercise.


Here is what that may look like.


Tips for Eating Healthy

Improving your diet to eat healthier can seem like a challenge. There is a lot you can do. The key is to start and make small improvements as you go along. A great place to start is by cutting out sugar and processed foods. Replace them with whole food options where you can. Have an apple instead of a candy bar when you need a snack. Fix some scrambled eggs instead of pouring a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning. Skip the fast-food burger and fix a salad to take to lunch. You get the idea.


From there, I would encourage you to add more fresh...

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What Happens When Praying Is The Challenge?

spirituality Feb 16, 2020

Praying daily helps you grow in your prayer life because you prioritize God every day. You are giving Him praise and seeking Him when you pray daily.


Prayer is vital to the Christian life. It is how we reach out to speak to our Lord and Creator. We express praise and thanks to Him, ask for forgiveness, pray for personal needs and the needs of others. But often, this is a disregarded activity. Be honest, are you praying daily?


“Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17


The subject of daily prayer is good food for thought. A discussion is a beautiful thing to have with God. But what happens on the days when your heart feels too heavy to pray? Life has, once again, knocked you down. And, it feels as though you may just never get up again. How do you pray on these days?


Jesus prayed all the time. Before His crucifixion and while hanging on the cross, He prayed. He did not just pray during the good times or only in hard times....

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Affirmation: I Am a Better Me Now Because I Overcame Conflict in the Past

affirmations Feb 15, 2020

I am a strong and more confident woman since I can overcome conflict. I make a conscious decision to examine difficulties, not run from them. I can also stand my ground.


I am the woman I am now because of everything that has occurred in my life. My experiences have allowed me to be braver, stronger, and look at things from a fresh perspective. I learn from difficulties and succeed.


Many people have conflicts in their life. I am no exception. However, I refuse to be a victim, nor do I allow the conflict to affect me adversely. I choose, instead, to conquer all disputes.


I have the option to let the conflict win or to overcome the conflict and be victorious. I decide to conquer.


I can survive all that life throws at me, and I make the most of all opportunities. I continually apply what I have learned to make my life what I want it to be.


I lend my experience and strength to others so that they may also be victors over their conflicts.


Today, I...

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The Big 5 Personality Traits and You

relationships Feb 14, 2020

Many personality models have developed over history. A scientist named Lewis Goldberg developed the “The Big Five.”


Combining these five personality factors can accurately describe a person’s personality and predict their behavior and success in life quite well.


Use “The Big Five” to understand your personality and gain insight into your current challenges:


1. Extraversion. On one end of this scale are the extroverts, and on the other are the introverts. Most of us lie somewhere in between.


  •  Think of introverts as those who gain energy while spending time alone. They tend to tire from social interactions. Introverts are frequently introspective, reserved, and quiet. They often, but not always, lack social confidence.

  •  Extroverts are just the opposite. Being alone drains their energy, and they are recharged by spending time with others. Extroverts are commonly described as friendly, socially confident,...
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Let Struggles You Overcame in the Past Lead Your Way

life coaching Feb 13, 2020

Being stuck in the past is one of the most common issues I address in Life Coaching for ladies. Women cannot be their best self when their brain is preoccupied with prior mistakes, past hurts, and that nagging feeling of regret.


Depending upon the situation, you might want to let overcome past struggles lead the way and permit yourself to move forward.


What does it mean to allow the past struggles you overcame to lead the way?

Think about your past struggles. Perhaps you dealt with something emotionally challenging, like losing a close friend or family member. Maybe you experienced a professional battle and had to wrestle with problems at work. Sometimes your struggles are familial, such as contention or disagreement between family members.


You can use struggles this way because they often serve as essential teachers: Even the grimmest and most challenging struggles teach you some valuable wisdom as you experience them.


Regardless of your struggles or...

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