Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: The path to my goals is clear

affirmations Feb 12, 2022

I know everything I want to accomplish in my life. I use the power of goals to set my sights on the future I desire. Goals provide a target that I use to direct my actions.


I am lost and forced to count on luck to create a meaningful and exciting life without goals.


Women all make bad choices in life; yes, some are worse than others. But God is a master at working all things together for good (Romans 8:28), a promise for all who genuinely love God. I control my decisions, and I use goals to exercise that control and make decisions that honor God.


To determine my goals, I ask myself what I need. When I am clear on my goals, I divide them into small steps that lead me to those goals. Now, I know what I must do to take one step toward my goals each day.


Knowing the path that lies before me is comforting. I am free of worry and concern about the steps I need to take. The track is laid out right in front of me. I need only to follow that path, and I will get where I want to be.


I achieve my goals day by day. I avoid the need to take dramatic actions to make progress in my life.


Small steps are the keys to steady and sure progress. I can use this knowledge to accomplish anything.


Today, I take the actions that bring me closer to achieving my goals. The steps I need to take are crystal clear to me. I already know the path. My responsibility is to walk that path.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What are the three most important goals I want to achieve this year?
  2. What are the steps I need to take to achieve those goals?
  3. What is preventing me from enthusiastically pursuing my goals each day?

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