Affirmation: I can attain my wildest dreams

affirmations Apr 02, 2022

 My achievements are a direct product of my effort. I know it may require hard work to achieve something worthwhile, but I see this fact as an excellent opportunity to achieve my wildest dreams! All I need is some hard work? I can do that!


I create my luck because I am the driving force behind my success. If I want something, I make a strategic plan to attain my objective and implement it until I have reached my destination.


I firmly believe that I am in control of my destiny. I refuse to settle for any situation simply because it is the hand dealt with me. If life gives me lemons, I throw them back! If a door in my path is locked, I break it down and continue my rightful journey.


I am aware that my dreams may take some time to achieve. I chip away at my goals one small piece at a time to ensure success.


I am my biggest competition. Each time I set out on a new road, I strive to beat my record. I avoid comparing myself to others because there is no...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Paying attention to goals prompts intelligent decisions

affirmations Mar 26, 2022

 Impulsive action often leads to regret, so I proceed with careful consideration and prayer. It is one good way to ensure that I stay on track.


I set up reminders all over my house of the big-ticket goals that I set for myself. Seeing them keeps me fueled to achieve them.


Re-committing to them several times each day ensures that I make goal-centered choices. It is easy to get sidetracked by frivolous things, but I stay focused. The reward of the big prize is more meaningful than short-lived gratification.


Focusing on the day when I can celebrate is enough motivation. It is extra special when I can unwind while feeling fulfilled by the achieved goal. Priority always goes to the things with far-reaching, positive impact.


Instead of going for a night on the town with friends, I spend my evening looking at business opportunities.


Building my earning potential eventually allows me to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I am satisfied with the work now,...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Drive and ambition enable me to achieve goals

affirmations Mar 19, 2022

I achieve my goals successfully because of my drive. I am committed to success in all aspects of my life. I am clear on what I want, and I can overcome all obstacles.


I am the most driven person I know and take pride in my level of commitment.


Once I know what I want, I pursue it until I am successful. Everything I desire is within my grasp.


I am ambitious. I have big goals and every intention of achieving them. My imagination only limits my achievements.


Failure is easy to overcome because of my ambition.


My drive and ambition make me very action-oriented. I use my mental faculties to make wise decisions, and then I act boldly. I avoid overthinking and understand that taking action is the key to progress.


I can endure. I can sustain my efforts, even when things are going poorly. I know that I can always turn a situation in my favor.


My great confidence is grounded in my drive and ambition. I know I can do whatever I need to achieve...

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Affirmation: I take action to make my dreams come true

affirmations Mar 12, 2022

I know that the only way my life can change for the better is if I change my behavior. When I live the same day repeatedly, everything stays the same. When I fail to take any action, my life loses momentum.


Taking action is the key to making changes in my life.


When I make positive changes in my life, my dreams come true. While others struggle to take action, it is easy for me.


I avoid taking too much time thinking and planning. I am focused on results, and results come from taking action.


I know what I want to accomplish in life. I have an idea of how to achieve those things. I take action each day and notice what is working and what is not. I perfect my approach until I succeed.


I prepare myself for success. I avoid waiting for the perfect circumstances to come along. I avoid relying on luck. I avoid waiting for someone to rescue me. I can save myself by following God’s purpose for my life.


I have everything I need to get started. I...

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Affirmation: I use goal setting to counter uncertainty.

affirmations Mar 05, 2022

Life has many twists and turns. But I steer clear of getting confused and worried by the uncertainties. My strategy is to set goals, so I prepare for whatever life throws my way.


The economy is very unpredictable, so I plan for that. My financial stability is the most significant priority so that I can weather any economic storm.


I stick to the savings goals I set each month. Before spending a cent, I put away a predetermined sum for rainy days. This approach protects me from struggling when life throws a curveball.


My emotional well-being is also a priority. Positive relationships add so much to my life, but I avoid relying on them for my happiness.


I spend time performing things that bring me fulfillment and joy. This approach allows me to maintain my peace of mind even when friends come and go. Each day, I plan to spend time with myself to avoid being impacted by unexpected aloneness.


Goal setting prevents disruptions from creating havoc in my...

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Affirmation: I persist until I achieve my goals

affirmations Feb 26, 2022

I know that persistence is the means of living my dreams. Quitting is the only way I can fail. I refuse to stop on any vital goal. I adjust my approach until I am successful.


Throughout the ages, persistence has allowed ordinary people to do extraordinary things. I know I can do amazing things, too.


Persistence is the ultimate determiner of success. I can overcome any limitation with enough effort and commitment. I can persevere.


I can easily list all of my goals by memory. Knowing my goals is the first step to persisting. When I know my goals, I know what matters. I review my goals daily. Keeping my goals fresh in my mind constantly renews my persistence.


The life I want to live is crystal clear in my mind. Any time I consider giving up, I return to that image. It revives my spirit and motivates me to continue.


The image I hold in my mind is my destiny. I refuse to permit anything to stand in my way. I can overcome any obstacle through my sheer...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Progress brings encouragement

affirmations Feb 19, 2022

There are few greater feelings than seeing myself a little further ahead today than yesterday. It reminds me why I am sacrificing certain things to achieve something else.


Time is one of my most excellent teachers. It shows me how much I can make of the hours I am blessed to have.


There is a marked contrast between the achievements of the younger me and the person who I am today. When I see the results of dedication and sacrifice, I am awed by how capable I am when I concentrate on something.


Although I am far from reaching my goal of being free of debt, I am encouraged by where I am today versus two years ago.


I know that the same level of importance placed on minimizing debt so far is required to get me to the finish line. My energy renews, and my discipline with managed spending strengthens.


I feel the same way about achieving fitness goals. Gone are the days when I feel anxiety about being higher than my target weight.


As long as I...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: The path to my goals is clear

affirmations Feb 12, 2022

I know everything I want to accomplish in my life. I use the power of goals to set my sights on the future I desire. Goals provide a target that I use to direct my actions.


I am lost and forced to count on luck to create a meaningful and exciting life without goals.


Women all make bad choices in life; yes, some are worse than others. But God is a master at working all things together for good (Romans 8:28), a promise for all who genuinely love God. I control my decisions, and I use goals to exercise that control and make decisions that honor God.


To determine my goals, I ask myself what I need. When I am clear on my goals, I divide them into small steps that lead me to those goals. Now, I know what I must do to take one step toward my goals each day.


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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Being happy with where I am leads me to my goals

affirmations Feb 05, 2022

It is important to me to keep a connection with my present situations. If I focus on acceptance, I have less time to worry about things beyond my control.


I take advantage of my creativity to make good use of what is in front of me. It makes me smile when I can make positive prospects for myself in the present.


Being happy lets me have a clear mind. Clarity opens up possibilities and perfects my vision. The future seems more certain when I avoid clouding it with discontent.


While my current job may offer little inspiration, I stay thankful for the opportunity. As I put things for an exciting career, I also concentrate on giving my all to everything I do today. I accomplish my business tasks with a smile.


I set modest goals and celebrate when I reach them. They remind me that, even though the bigger prize is further away, I still have something to be grateful for every day.


I concentrate on people and situations that give me a sense of joy. I think...

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Affirmation: I focus on achieving the life I desire

affirmations Jan 29, 2022

 If I keep my life goals in mind each day, I am more focused on reaching them to build the life I want to live. I decide how my actions relate to a bigger goal.


I choose to spend my valuable time working towards what I want to do in life. I regularly revisit my goals to ensure that I am on the correct path. My plans at times change. I reflect and try to look forward to my dreams for the future.


On the first day of every month, I review my life goals. This makes them seem more natural, enabling me to keep my eyes on the prize. Obtaining everything I would like in life centers on my ability to remain motivated.


If I know my goals and keep them at the forefront of my mind, my days will be more fulfilling.


I can let go of minor issues. When something I am spending a lot of time on conflicts with my overall goals, I reevaluate whether I should continue focusing on it.


Today, I process everything I want to accomplish in life. When my goals are...

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