Affirmation: I Am Free to Govern Over My Passions

affirmations Aug 15, 2020

I remain thankful for the blessing I have to be free. With freedom comes the great task of managing my independence sensibly. I want to rule over my passions rather than becoming a victim of desire.


Part of living free means that I am held responsible for what I do with my passions. Emotions are an important part of me, although I also have to learn to govern my feelings to achieve inner peace.


I break free from emotional bondage because I have power over my feelings. My feelings do not rule over my mind, as my mind is more powerful.


There are seasons of my life when only my mind knows the way. I let my mind lead me as I follow with behaviors in an act of faith. In time, grace lines up my feelings and ideas.


I lack desire to continue because I let disillusionment or disappointment deprive me of joy. During those critical times, I recall that the great purpose for which I am destined stays unaffected by my situations.


Other times I am so thrilled...

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Better Time Management Through Organizational Coaching

life coaching Aug 13, 2020

In today's fast-paced world, time management is a crucial skill everyone should master to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Women, in particular, face a unique challenge in juggling their personal and professional responsibilities.


This is where organizational coaching comes in handy.


Organizational coaching is a process where a coach helps clients identify areas of their lives that need improvement and develop strategies to optimize their time management practices. This can be hugely beneficial for women, as it can help them identify their priorities and allocate time effectively.


The coaching process usually begins with assessing the client's current time management practices. This assessment helps the coach identify the client's strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to improve their time management skills.

  • The coach may suggest strategies such as setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, managing distractions, and delegating responsibilities.
  • The...
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You Need to Reveal Your Inner Warrior

personal development Aug 11, 2020

Have you ever wanted to do something, but your fear kept you from doing it? Or maybe you just felt like you did not have the time or energy. Do you wonder what it would take to enable you to muster up the strength and courage to go after your dreams?


Thankfully, you can pursue whatever you want by putting some simple strategies to work that will reveal your inner warrior!


Use these strategies to help you create the life you desire:


  1. Get acquainted with your physical strength. Pumping some iron will help you recognize your physical strength, an important step to revealing your inner strength. If your doctor approves, if you love aerobics, get your heart pumping and do them with a vengeance.


* To improve your balance and flexibility. Feeling physically strong will help you go after your dreams in other aspects of your life. Think of yourself as a warrior-in-training.


  1. Know that you can do it. Just like the children's story, "The Little Engine That...
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Affirmation: I Savor Every Minute of Every Day

affirmations Aug 08, 2020

I savor the moments that fill my life because each day is only lived once. My life is composed of unique and special moments.


Being mindful of the gift of time facilitates me to live a prosperous life. Opting to be conscious of each precious moment that passes fills me with sweet joy.


Life overflows with wonderful moments - playing with a child, embracing a loved one, reading a good book, conversing with friends, doing well in my career, spending time with my family, or resting after a long day’s work. I am grateful for each moment.


Every day is an occasion for me to enjoy life. Recognizing the value of every moment lets me savor the joys of life. A wonderful experience can stay with me for as long as I remember it.


Knowing I am creating good memories and will look back on these experiences with laughter, fondness, and joy makes every moment even more priceless. I see these memories as wonderful gifts to my future self.


Once the day has...

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Christian Life Coach: Gain The Confidence, Clarity, And Direction

Christian Life Coaching (CLC) is a specialized and highly personalized approach that aims to equip women in all aspects of their lives by helping them identify areas of improvement and set achievable goals.


This process involves working collaboratively with a professional life coach who provides guidance, support, and accountability throughout the journey.


The first step in CLC is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the client's current situation, including their strengths, blind spots, and opportunities for growth. Once this has been done, the coach and client work together to develop a customized plan to help the client achieve their goals and overcome any obstacles.


This type of coaching is unique in that it is centered around the principles of a Truth Mindset and living like Jesus. The coach helps the client understand these principles and how they can be applied to their daily lives. This includes cultivating positive habits, building stronger...

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Keep Optimistic Delusions Fresh On The Mind

personal development Aug 04, 2020

An optimistic delusion could be a very positive attitude…some might say an overly confident attitude. You might think that is just being braggish and even lying to yourself. You may be correct, but the science is fascinating on this issue.


Studies show that individuals who overemphasize their abilities, skills, and talents for a new endeavor ultimately execute at a higher level than those who are more realistic or pessimistic about succeeding.


People who overestimate their abilities learn skills better and are more successful. This is not too surprising. If you do not think you are good at something and cannot study to do it well, you will be less motivated and involved in learning that activity.


Conversely, if you expect the best, you will jump in and get busy conquering the new skill. With high expectations - even unjustly high hopes – you greatly enhance the odds of succeeding.


How Optimistic Delusions Can Help You to Reach Your Goals


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Affirmation: I am Open to Insight by Sharing my Thoughts and Feelings Constructively

affirmations Aug 01, 2020

 As I speak to others, my tone is calm and respectful. I know that if I would like others to listen, I have to communicate my thoughts positively. 


My language is typified by a constructive word choice, soft tone, and unhurried pace. My vocabulary is abundant and free from curses. I can get my point across without elevating my voice or using profanity.


Every person is like a well of precious insight. I use my effective communication abilities to draw out the abundance of knowledge in others.


I take pleasure in learning new things. I seek to uncover something fresh each day. If I take time to understand others, I am informed. 


My attitude attracts others to me. By being positive, I encourage others to travel unexplored waters with me.


People are not afraid to communicate their feelings with me because I am welcoming. They trust me enough to express their ideas and ask for my input. In turn, when I want help, others are more than ready...

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Time to Change Your Goals Perspective

personal development Jul 28, 2020

 Are you pleased with the way events are going in your life? Hopefully, continuing to achieve the life goals you have set will bring you considerable happiness and contentment. But perhaps you have taken a different path, and you think it would be helpful to add some goals. Sometimes, life requires that we alter the track we are on.


Maybe your focus has changed due to losing a partner or job, requiring you to relook at the goals you created long ago. Whatever the case, considering a change in your life's dreams could be in order.


Consider these five suggestions:


  1. Review your current life list. Pull out that file of life goals you listed years ago. Are they still what you desire? Maybe you are ready to let a few of them go to make room for some new ones that are more fitting. Permit yourself to adjust your list as needed.


  • For example, maybe you thought you would become the company's president someday, but you have discovered that you are more of a...
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Symptoms of COVID-19 - important to know it all

health Jul 27, 2020

The novel coronavirus surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market in December 2019. We saw the first case in the U.S. in January. Now, in February, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) proposed an official name for the disease the novel coronavirus causes: COVID-19. this is an acronym that stands for coronavirus disease 2019. COVID-19 has spread to nearly every country worldwide. 


What are the signs of COVID-19?

Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.

Less common symptoms:

  • Aches and pains
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes


On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days


If you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing,...

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Affirmation: I Understand that Enjoyable Times Make Difficult Times Easier to Manage

affirmations Jul 25, 2020

Laughter is the medicine that heals difficulties, so I incorporate some enjoyment into each day.


I make my job fun by listening to music that makes me feel like dancing. Although I sit in an office chair for most of the day, I rock from side to side. Moving to music keeps me feeling upbeat, and the challenges at work feel less burdensome.


I get creative with my entertainment.


Having game nights at my home invites laughter and joy to my sanctuary. My family and I love playing board games at home on a Friday night. These small experiences together last a lifetime in my memory and keep my spirit alive.


It is enjoyable to dance around when I am home alone. When I play my favorite Christian music, I feel like I am in my little world.


Working out is also fun because it improves my mood tremendously. I choose exercises that are challenging but manageable. It feels good to achieve the fitness targets that I set for myself.


A fit body makes room for...

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