Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Drive and ambition enable me to achieve goals

affirmations Mar 19, 2022

I achieve my goals successfully because of my drive. I am committed to success in all aspects of my life. I am clear on what I want, and I can overcome all obstacles.


I am the most driven person I know and take pride in my level of commitment.


Once I know what I want, I pursue it until I am successful. Everything I desire is within my grasp.


I am ambitious. I have big goals and every intention of achieving them. My imagination only limits my achievements.


Failure is easy to overcome because of my ambition.


My drive and ambition make me very action-oriented. I use my mental faculties to make wise decisions, and then I act boldly. I avoid overthinking and understand that taking action is the key to progress.


I can endure. I can sustain my efforts, even when things are going poorly. I know that I can always turn a situation in my favor.


My great confidence is grounded in my drive and ambition. I know I can do whatever I need to achieve my goals.


Today, I feel incredibly driven and motivated. I am smashing through any obstacles that stand in my way. I am moving toward success. My drive and ambition permit me to achieve my goals.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. When have I overcome a significant obstacle? Why was I able to do that?
  2. When have I given up to soon? Why did that happen?
  3. What are my three most meaningful goals in life?

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