Content is a Love Letter

If you have a business, you realize how valuable content is to your success. Content is a different word for information. It is vital to build authority with your clients, followers, or people to find out who you are. Creating content is a means to convey your business model, show your audience why they ought to listen to you, and make sales.


It is like a love letter.


Excellent content is like a love letter in that it comes from a place so unique that the reader perceives how genuine it is. They read the authority, personal touches, and openness between the lines. Content written from the heart is compelling and goes beyond good or great content.


Let’s take a look at the progression of content value:

  • Good content is informative. Sharing facts, tips, steps, and how-to information is good. People appreciate solid, good content.
  • Great content is engaging. Better content takes a step up from sharing facts to asking questions and asking for engagement....
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Growth - Letting go of Painful Resentments and Forgiving Others

personal development Apr 14, 2020

Learning to let go and forgive is a noble act. It can help you have peace with yourself and others. However great the benefits, though, it is not always an easy thing to achieve.


Minor transgressions are easy to forgive and forget. But then there are the big things for which you may feel the need to cling onto for long periods. You might tell yourself that you have let it go, but ultimately you have not. In these challenging situations, there are techniques that you can use to let go and find peace finally.


Learning to Forgive


It is essential to learn to forgive. Holding onto resentments or hatred only hurts you. It can lead to foul moods, depression, or even health conditions. When you hold onto resentment, you allow a situation to burden your future.


Forgiveness is the right choice to make, but it does not mean that you have forgotten what has happened. You might even still hold someone else accountable for the wrong. With forgiveness, you are simply...

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The Basic Facts of High Blood Pressure You Need to Know

health Apr 13, 2020



The information and content on Life Coach for Ladies Website or provided by email is not intended to replace an individual relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Sandra Krug and Krug Enterprises of Manatee LLC encourage you to continue visiting with and being treated by your primary care physician or health care provider. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose certain ailments and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained from Life Coach for Ladies/Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC/Sandra Krug.  Consult your own Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the exercise could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions.  Stop any activity immediately if you have any adverse reaction.  Sandra and Life Coach for Ladies are not acting in...

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Want To Know The Best Reasons People Pray?

spirituality Apr 12, 2020

God has the power to bless, forgive, guide, protect, and provide for us. God can do everything, with or without our input. Even if we present our requests to God, we understand that heaven will not align according to our will. So, sometimes, we might lose sight of what is important about prayer.


Why Should We Bother Praying?

Do you look at prayer as something that you should do daily? You might wonder why you should even bother praying. After all, God will do what He knows is best, and He will work everything out for your good. There is no real point in the conversation, right?


But there is an exciting moment recorded between God and King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1-8. In it, the king has become very ill, and the word of the Lord reaches him, telling him that it is time to get his affairs in order. Hezekiah turned, face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord.


Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, And...

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Affirmation: I AM Bettering my Future and Letting Go of the Past

affirmations Apr 11, 2020

I am fully mindful that the past is in the past. Therefore, I hold my chin up and move forward with no looking back.


I have no control over events that have already occurred in my life. However, I have control over my present and future. So, I assert my authority over my future by making sound decisions that allow me to live well today and in the coming days.


I take responsibility for my actions. Generally, the things I do bring positive experiences into my life. But, from time to time, I do make an unsound decision. When this happens, I dare to face the outcome of my actions.


I choose to learn from my difficulties, ensuring that the same mistake is never made twice. This in itself allows me to create a better future!


My possibilities are shining brightly! Rather than dreaming my days away, I make the most of each day by planting small seeds today to reap the rewards in the future.


Life is about making the most of what I have now while still...

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Christian Parenting: Raising Children in Faith and Love

relationships Apr 10, 2020

Parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding roles God entrusts to us. As Christian parents, our responsibility goes beyond providing for our children’s physical needs—we nurture their spiritual growth, shape their character, and guide them toward a life that honors God. But what does Christian parenting truly involve, and how can we effectively raise our children in faith and love?


The Foundation: Building on God’s Word

The Bible is our ultimate guide in parenting. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This verse emphasizes the importance of instilling biblical values in our children from a young age. By consistently teaching them God’s Word and demonstrating its truths in our own lives, we lay a strong foundation for their faith.


Leading by Example

Children learn more from what they see us do than we tell them. As parents, it's our responsibility to lead by...

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Faith Is the Backbone of Christian Life Coaching

The teachings and practices of Jesus, as well as the activities of the early church, often involved the coaching process. This approach allowed individuals to receive guidance, support, and encouragement towards achieving their goals and fulfilling their potential via a Truth Mindset.

They felt that an essential component was absent from their lives. They sought assistance from a helpful listener who was positive and objective and provided truthful feedback. They desired a mentor to guide them toward attaining more tranquility and happiness in their Christian existence. These individuals were in search of a coach.

Through coaching, people could develop their abilities, deepen their understanding, and overcome obstacles that hindered their progress.

It was a powerful tool that helped individuals to grow and thrive, and it remains an important aspect of personal and spiritual development today.


A brief explanation of Christian life coaching

Christian life coaching is a...

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Communication Skills To Keep Fresh On The Mind

The word communication is general in its implication. Communication could take on many roles, depending on its use and context. It also has many formats as a delivery mechanism. You can listen to music, read a book, or watch videos. Discussions are also a form of communication.

Because of the general characteristics of communication, it is not easy to imagine formulating it into a skill. But, it is possible. Numerous colleges offer majors in communications, which raises the field. It is not necessary to study at a four-year college to enhance your communication skills. It requires a basic understanding and practice.

The greatest skill you can develop to communicate well is to listen. Not all people are natural listeners. Many times, during conversations, people are not focused. So, we may have to put effort into becoming better listeners.

To improve your ability to listen to others, repeat everything they say the next time you speak with someone. That may be a little odd to them at...

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Focus on the Symptoms of COVID ā€“ important to know it all

health Apr 06, 2020

Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.


If you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or have recently traveled from an area with the ongoing spread of COVID-19, stay home and call your healthcare provider.


Older patients and individuals who have severe underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their healthcare provider early, even if their illness is mild. If you have severe symptoms, such as persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, contact your healthcare provider or emergency room and seek care immediately. Your doctor will determine if you have signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and whether you should be tested.


Using the CDC-developed diagnostic test, a negative result...

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Make Time to Spotlight the Awesome Truth of Jesus

spirituality Apr 05, 2020

Making Time to Share Jesus With Others

Years ago, a young country doctor just starting his career faced an outbreak of typhoid in the small farming community he settled in. In the first few days after arriving and ‘putting out his shingle,’ nearly a dozen people came to see him—all of whom had typhoid. He knew what it was. He knew how to treat it. The question was, had he gotten there in time?

Unfortunately for three families, the answer was no. One family lost two of their three small children to the disease by the end of the young doctor’s first month there. He was devastated. In his heart and mind, he was a complete failure. He tried to move beyond the emotional pain and defeat, but he could not. A few months later, without saying a word, he left to live out the rest of his life working as a farmer and determined not to tell anyone what he was.

Fast-forward a few years. The young doctor fell in love and got married. Before long, the couple was expecting a...

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