Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: My best is good enough

affirmations Jun 04, 2022

My personal best is good enough in all situations. Passion is what is necessary for me to be successful. I am pleased when I give my all because my best is all I have to offer.


I cease to compare myself to others because there will always be someone more talented than me in some area. Yet, the strength to succeed is within me. I am equipped with everything I need to accomplish my purpose in life.


I can cheer for those who are better than me at something with genuine authenticity. My self-esteem is impenetrable by feelings of inadequacy.


I say no to demanding more from myself than what I can give. Even though I push myself beyond my expectations, I also know my limitations. I respect myself enough to accept my flaws.


My loved ones are a foundation of support; they love me for who I am. I rid myself of the company of people who cannot be satisfied. A healthy mindset is worth more than the appreciation of toxic individuals.


Whatever happened in my...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Self-motivation helps me accomplish goals

affirmations May 28, 2022

 Setting goals helps me stay on track. Every day, I recommit to working on my goals. I am self-motivated and do what is required to maintain my drive.


Accomplishing goals gives me pleasure. I feel the same amount of satisfaction when I complete any big or small goal. I consider all I am responsible for to be necessary.


Whenever I have a task in front of me, I consider it vital. I avoid minimizing the importance of any job, even if it seems trivial to me. I know these tasks are essential to someone.


If I face disappointment, I do not allow it to take hold of me. I permit myself a brief time to deal with the frustration; then, I move on.


My positive mindset lets me refuel and carry on with tremendous enthusiasm.


I am unrelenting and ready to start from the beginning as many times as needed. I welcome the opportunity to do something well the next time. There are few outcomes that I consider to be failures.


Whenever I need encouragement, I...

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Affirmation: I see myself crossing the finish line victoriously

affirmations May 14, 2022

I know that I am a winner! I am sure of my success because I use effective strategies and tools to keep me motivated, pursuing my goals until I claim my victory.


I set my goals and create action plans that set me up for success every time. I divide my goals into achievable tasks and then accomplish each task, one by one, through to the end.


If I need to invest time or money into preparing myself for my tasks, I do it happily, knowing that these preparations propel me toward the life of my dreams.


I make my goals a priority in my life and incorporate time in my schedule every single day to work on the things that lead me to victory. Knowing that each day puts me one step closer to reaching my goals brings me the motivation to forge ahead.


Failure is not an option! Sometimes, there will be blocks in the road, but I actively seek solutions that can get me past them. I overcome my challenges and get right back on my success track.


If I feel an inkling...

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Affirmation: I focus on my top goals

affirmations May 14, 2022

I write down my most important objectives and outline the steps to make them happen. This makes my goals attainable and easy to focus on today. I know that I can achieve them by just taking one small step at a time.


I visualize reaching all of my goals. I see how to make them a part of my life and what I need to do. I examine each step in my mind before it happens. I enjoy the feelings of pride and accomplishment and think thoughts of victory as I work toward my goals.


I have a clear plan of action to make my goals real.


I know who I need to speak to and who can help me. I know what skills and tools I need to use. I appreciate the amount of time and the effort it takes.


I measure the progress of my efforts. I keep a list of my accomplishments and share them with the world. I am proud of every moment and movement.


Even though I have many goals, I prioritize the goals that mean the most to me and the plans that will make the most significant...

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Affirmation: I finish everything I start

affirmations May 07, 2022

 Accomplishing my goals is a priority in my life. I only take on tasks that I know I can complete. If I have started something, then I know I can finish it.


Leaving tasks unfinished wears me down. Because I want to have positive feelings in my life, I do not allow tasks to linger. I proactively pursue the completion of all of my projects.


To finish the tasks in my life, I must make time to accomplish them. Because I set aside time for my projects, I know I will finish strong.


I use my calendar to create appointments for me to finish my tasks. When I see that I have an appointment, I know I need to devote my time to that project. This process helps me stay disciplined and ensures that I respect my own goals.


I am so glad that I have instituted this system into my life because I can devote more time to the things I want to do when I finish a project. Clearing out all of the unfinished tasks in my life creates more time for my family, friends, and...

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Affirmation: I ensure I have the tools I need to complete a project

affirmations Apr 30, 2022

To achieve my highest possible level of productivity, I make sure I have the tools I need to complete a project.


I take time before I begin to analyze what I need and do what it takes to procure them, so nothing gets in the way of my forward momentum once I get started.


Some tools are apparent. If I'm building a house, I will need wood, nails, and so on. If I'm writing a novel, I will need a reliable computer (or a hefty stack of notebooks). If I'm opening a catering service, I will need pots and pans.


I also need skills. The best computer in the world can't write a novel by itself. The most expensive pots and pans will do nothing on their own. And a stack of wood without a builder is still just a stack of wood.


I invest in honing my skills so I can use my supplies to their full potential.


I grant myself the support and mentorship that I need to be successful, and I let go of the idea that I should be able to do everything on my own. I need...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Deadlines drive me to succeed

affirmations Apr 23, 2022

 Deadlines bring out the best in me. They keep me moving forward and give me a goal to accomplish. Deadlines challenge me to step up to the plate and meet them head-on!


Deadlines make my work more fun. I like to think of them as a game. They challenge me to race against the clock. I love the rush when "crunch time" comes along. Deadlines provide an opportunity to prove what I am truly made of…to myself!


With each deadline, I strive to achieve a faster speed and superior level of quality than I have ever attained in the past. I measure my results against the last similar project I completed.


Often, I far exceed my expectation. I generally exceed the expectations of my supervisors, which only helps me further my career.


Deadlines are the motivating force that drives me to succeed. I thrive under pressure because it makes things interesting. I assess each project and budget my time efficiently. I assign myself a certain amount of work each day to...

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You Can Do One Thing To Be More Spiritual

spirituality Apr 17, 2022

Our lives are so hectic that it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, and we forget how truly blessed we are. There never seems to be sufficient hours in the day to get everything done. And then there are the constant interruptions. The phone rings, a new email or text message pops up, and a colleague walks into the department. Many times our day feels like nothing more than a series of disruptions.


Add to that the triviality of being surrounded by media and ads, and it is no wonder we yearn for a simpler and more spiritual life. While we cannot alter our surroundings, there is an approach we can use to help us be calm, more balanced, and more spiritual - beginning our day with spiritual activity.


When you want to strengthen your relationship with God and uncover your spiritual gifts, here is the one thing you can do today:


Strengthen your relationship with God first thing in the morning!



Start your day off with a prayer, devotional...

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Affirmation: I think I can; therefore, anything on the horizon is possible.

affirmations Apr 16, 2022

I am always open to the possibility of success. I look for ways to succeed rather than excuses to fail, so I enjoy success's thrills. Confidence and an optimistic attitude are the traits that pave the way.


The classic story, The Little Engine That Could, was the smallest engine in the train yard that climbed the mountain to save the day. He kept saying, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." up.


In the same way, I know I don't have to be the strongest, most intelligent, most beautiful, most educated, or most experienced person to succeed. All my lights don't have to be green for me to get started on my journey to success.


The world overflows with examples of people who've succeeded despite the tremendous odds against them! What makes the difference? Attitude!


I develop my winning attitude daily with affirmations and positive self-talk. I congratulate myself on even trivial achievements because what are they? Successes, of course!


If I...

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Affirmation: I have clarity about my future

affirmations Apr 09, 2022

 I live my life with purpose, as I am sure concerning my future. My faith in my God-given purpose assures me that not all questions need immediate answers. Clarity is not about having all the answers but about trusting a positive outcome regardless of what happens.


I sometimes walk through challenging situations, but I am sure of my survival ability. I dare to face my opposition. I grow more than hopeful about the future by concentrating on my strengths rather than my limitations.


The gifts granted to me by my Creator are precisely what I need to fulfill my unique destiny. I uncover pieces of that plan by learning my own interests and discovering new skills. As I sharpen my natural abilities, my purpose becomes more apparent.


The best use of my talents is to help me in my role in this world. Therefore, I also discover my purpose by searching my soul and finding my passion.


I am confident about my choices. No matter the season of life I find myself...

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