Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Paying attention to goals prompts intelligent decisions

affirmations Mar 26, 2022

 Impulsive action often leads to regret, so I proceed with careful consideration and prayer. It is one good way to ensure that I stay on track.


I set up reminders all over my house of the big-ticket goals that I set for myself. Seeing them keeps me fueled to achieve them.


Re-committing to them several times each day ensures that I make goal-centered choices. It is easy to get sidetracked by frivolous things, but I stay focused. The reward of the big prize is more meaningful than short-lived gratification.


Focusing on the day when I can celebrate is enough motivation. It is extra special when I can unwind while feeling fulfilled by the achieved goal. Priority always goes to the things with far-reaching, positive impact.


Instead of going for a night on the town with friends, I spend my evening looking at business opportunities.


Building my earning potential eventually allows me to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I am satisfied with the work now, so my future celebration is long-lived. I enjoy the process that leads me to meaningful accomplishment.


Today, my eye is on the big targets forever because their reward is meaningful. Each day brings chances to channel my intellect and resources into essential things. That is the answer to achieving worthwhile goals.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What are the most important goals that I focus on currently?
  2. How easy is it to align my resources with projects that require a lot of effort?
  3. What is my definition of a rewarding exploit?

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