Commit To the Life You Want

personal development Jun 16, 2020


What does it mean to commit to living the life you want?


When a woman commits to living the life they want, they go after their goals, hopes, and dreams without any hesitation. Instead of considering everything that could go wrong or stop them from finding success, they focus solely on achieving those goals and building the life they want.


Committing to living the life you want requires visualization – a woman with this level of commitment can see their future clearly because they have spent time understanding exactly what they want to achieve. With that picture of the future in mind, they have also calculated the different steps they will need to take to make that visualization a reality.


Most importantly, a woman who commits to living the life they want does not make any excuses about why they “can’t” do something. This woman goes after their goals and dreams wholeheartedly and does not allow any negative naysaying to slow them...

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Affirmation: I Am Happy Becaue Life Provides Abundant Opportunities For Laughter

affirmations Jun 13, 2020

I know laughter is good for both my body and mind. I make a point of developing humor within my life.


Occasionally humor comes to me in flashy neon pink, billboard-style, and cannot be ignored. But most of the time, laughter in my life springs from ordinary things: a toddler discovering to kick a ball or a dog chasing his tail.


I slow down and notice what is going on around me to not miss those moments.


If my niece paints her face with her mom's lipstick, I can wail about the waste or moan about the necessary clean-up. Or I can laugh at her youthful folly and grab a camera, opting to relish this moment.


I can select to laugh at myself, too. I keep away from taking myself too seriously and keep small frustrations in perspective by seeing the humor in occasional mishaps.


My clear enjoyment of life makes me more welcoming to others and leads to healthier and more productive relationships.


I release the notion that life must always be serious. I...

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You See Enhanced Communication with Organizational Coaching

life coaching Jun 11, 2020

Having effective communication skills is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. However, many women face challenges when it comes to communicating assertively, actively listening, and resolving conflicts in their personal and professional lives. That is where organizational coaching comes in.


Organizational coaching is a process that helps women improve their communication skills and enhance their overall performance in the workplace. By working with a coach, women can learn how to express their needs and boundaries more effectively, negotiate better, and build stronger relationships with their colleagues, superiors, and clients.


Coaches guide women through techniques such as active listening, assertiveness training, and conflict resolution to help them gain the confidence and skills they need to communicate more effectively. Through practice and feedback, women can develop the ability to express their ideas and opinions clearly and respectfully, even...

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Make Time to Be Balancing Important Priorities

personal development Jun 09, 2020

What does it mean to balance your time effectively among all your priorities?


Humans lead busy lives. Women's schedules are often jam-packed with tons of responsibilities between friends, families, careers, hobbies, schooling, volunteerism, spiritual practices, errands, chores, vacations, and beyond.


How do you manage to keep your schedule organized when you are this busy? Learning how to balance your time effectively among all your priorities is critical.


Balancing your time effectively among your priorities means you are careful about how you spend your time.


You ensure that your preferences – or your most important tasks and responsibilities – are paid the appropriate amount of attention they need. Rather than allowing one priority to hold more space and weight than another, you can ensure that each focus has the proper amount of energy and time you need to commit to them.


What are the benefits of balancing your time effectively...

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4 Tips on How to Live a Truly Fulfilling Life

spirituality Jun 07, 2020

Women seem to spend a lot of time looking for the meaning of life or dreaming of living a happier, more fulfilling life. It is easy to find contentment in buying more prominent, more expensive things, from cars and homes to watches and designer handbags. But just collecting more and more stuff does not make you happy. It makes you frustrated and dissatisfied. The answer to fulfillment is much more straightforward. It is within your innermost self.

Luke 1:45 KJV, "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord."

Here are 4 Tips for Fulfillment:


  1.  Understand the innermost you

Fulfillment lies in knowing yourself – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and acknowledging it.

Romans 7:22-23 KJV, "22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is...

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Affirmation: I Feel Safe and Happy in My Home

affirmations Jun 06, 2020

I enjoy my home. It is my place of refuge. I sense physical and emotional comfort from the moment I walk through my front door.


It is home, sweet home to me.


My home is in a great location for me. Work, family, and friends are all conveniently close. I am proud to live here and feel grateful whenever I arrive home. I live in a safe location and feel secure.


I enjoy the external appearance of my home. I like the floorplan and have all the space I need. I even have a pleasant yard for fun outside activities. I enjoy my home!


My home is just right for entertaining my friends and family. It is a warm and inviting place. I enjoy having company, and they enjoy spending time in my home.


After a long, demanding day, I look forward to going home. I keep my home neat, tidy, and pleasant, so it has an inviting atmosphere. I instantly feel better when I step inside my home and close the door behind me.


My home is decorated tastefully in a style that I...

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Mistakes Actually Help You See Excellent Results

personal development Jun 04, 2020


Every woman wants to achieve excellence, whether it is something monumental that changes the world or just being the best person she can be and positively impacting the lives of the people she cares about most. Many spend their days trying to be perfect. Every day, they put in hard work, struggling to say and do everything perfectly. However, achieving excellent results is not easy and does not come overnight. Learn how mistakes can help you achieve the level of excellence you can reach.

You may be thinking, “How does making mistakes help me to achieve excellence? Mistakes are usually considered bad or undesirable. How does that lead to excellence?” Most women do consider mistakes bad or undesirable. But they also realize that errors are unavoidable.


Stop the continual struggle to be better. We are only human, after all, and humans make mistakes from time to time. Stop feeling shame when you fail. No one is perfect. But we are all under grace!



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Christian Life Coaches Are Helping Women Unleash Their Full Potential

What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching is an approach that aims to help women improve their personal and professional lives by setting and achieving goals, enhancing their self-awareness, and developing the necessary skills and strategies to overcome any obstacles that may stand in their way.


At the heart of Christian Life Coaching lies personal growth and development through learning to live like Jesus, which is the driving force behind the transformative journey that clients embark on.


It is an incredibly effective approach that can help women achieve their goals, unlock their full potential, and fulfill their divine purpose by living with a Truth Mindset. Working collaboratively with a professional life coach can help clients identify their unique talents, passions, and goals, leading to a customized plan of action to achieve their desired outcomes.


Christian Life Coaches are experienced professionals who play a pivotal role in helping...

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Time Is Big Factor in Work from Home Success

When you cannot balance your time correctly, you will feel frustrated. When it starts to turn into choosing work over the home, you will begin to feel guilty and shameful. Soon enough, you will not enjoy either aspect of your life.


Balancing your time has to be strategized correctly to be the most effective in your happiness. You have to plan out your days with a fair share of your time going towards each life.


Creating an outline or what priorities you need to focus on will keep you on track and result in a newfound level of time management. Set aside downtime for yourself. Everyone needs to take time for themselves.


If you do not, it will lead to stress and a lack of productivity. But you will have to limit your downtime if you want to focus on getting as much done as possible. You could take small breaks throughout your workday, spreading them out to give you a breather when you need one.


Or you could take fewer but longer breaks and work in shorter...

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6 Simple Ways To Empower Your "Why"

Has this ever happened to you? Everything appeared to be going so well, personally or professionally. Then, without warning, you lack motivation, everything seems stale, and you have no idea why you were even trying so hard. In short, you lost your "Why," and now you are wafting and trying to figure out where you went wrong.


Cheer up! The truth is, whatever happened, you can still resolve the issues. Your confidence was not there when you started doubting yourself. You are likely also questioning the things you believe. After all, how can you get something so important as a "Why" right when you go wrong in other subjects you have a go at? You can do it because God made you to do good work!

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10 KJV


6 Simple Ways To Empower Your "Why"


  1.  Prayer

Before setting goals, see what the Word of God says about them. Prayer is...

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