6 Benefits When You Become More Independent

personal development Mar 09, 2021

As our usage of technology and the internet become more prevalent, women find ourselves as a society relying more and more on it and less and less on ourselves. But technology cannot solve all problems. It is not always available, nor do we usually want it to be. There are simply parts of the human mind, body, and soul irreplaceable - by technology or anything else!


The more technology runs our world, being independent becomes both more accessible and more complex. By learning to become more personally independent, you increase your chances of success in all areas of your life. Independent refers to all aspects of your life, including career, emotional, financial, personal faith, and beliefs. Self-reliance is a skill set that comes easier to some women than others, but it is a skill that everyone can benefit from all the time.


Here are six areas of your life that are sure to become stronger once you learn to stand on your own two feet:


  1. Self-Esteem

Increased confidence and self-esteem mean you trust yourself more. You will think more positively about yourself and your capabilities. Developing into an independent person can be one of the most worthwhile outcomes women can strive to achieve. You will feel competent to handle most situations and challenges without fear.


  1. Burden

With increased independence comes a decrease in your burden on your friends, family, and society. Being able to satisfy your own needs means that you are free from relying on others. It is a sense of ownership over your life. This is a massive benefit to both you and those around you!


  1. Asset to Others

Independence means being strong enough in our career and purpose that we are well equipped for life's challenges. When you can adequately care for yourself, you can become a resource to others because you can care for them in ways you could not before. This will enable you to give and allow those who need support to receive.


  1. Reputation

Another good thing about having the right balance of independence is that you are freer to look after others if you are on top of your issues. Being independent increases your ability to be viewed as a positive contributor to your family, town or city, and society, and knowing that you can take care of yourself and others increases your positive reputation.


       5. Financial Freedom

When you become capable and skilled, you can be paid what you are worth and care for yourself and your family in a way that they and you deserve. Financial independence is incredibly empowering, as money can provide the experiences you are seeking.


       6. Physical Capability

Being able to stand on your own two feet solidly means that you can physically care for yourself and others, despite anything you may be dealing with at the time. The more physically capable you are, the better you can handle any situation you come up against along the way.


Overall contentment in life comes from independence, self-esteem, the ability to associate with and help others, and physical activity. Happiness is all about being secure with who you are and what you believe. It is hugely empowering knowing that you control your own life and your own choices.

Whatever your current circumstances, you have access to education, opportunities, and technology to uplift yourself. In doing so, this example of independence will also be a powerful legacy you pass to those around you. You will demonstrate, through example, that independence leads to happiness.

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