How To Reclaim A Sense Of Belonging Through Kindness

health Feb 24, 2021

It is common to want to have a sense of belonging. When women belong, we are established as part of the group. That sense of belonging is a normal human need, just as food and shelter. If you feel like you belong, you feel your life has value. And you cope with your emotions better.

Sometimes, we lose our sense of belonging, though. This can be for a myriad of reasons. Traumatic events could influence a person’s self-compassion and self-esteem. Trauma can leave survivors out of sync with the world. They feel lonely, overwhelmed, in turmoil, and have emotional pain that creates a different sense of anxiety.

Humans are social beings. The quality of our relationships is affected by our emotional, mental, and physical health. Researcher and author Brené Brown says, “A deep sense of love and belonging is a fundamental requirement of all men, women, and children. Biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually we are wired to love, to be loved, and to belong.”


Regaining a Sense of Belonging

A way to reclaim your sense of belonging is through kindness. Kindness releases a feel-good hormone, making you feel happier and improving your mood.


Here are several ways to regain a sense of belonging.

  • Impact the lives of others by suggesting that you will listen and be a sounding board. This brings them joy and also gives them a feeling of connectedness.
  • Show concern for others who are different from you. Spend time helping others less fortunate or who have different likes and needs than you.
  • Release judgments that build walls. Focus on people by connecting with them. No one is perfect. We all have struggles.
  • Be kind in words and ways of thinking. Use words that offer acceptance, caring, compassion, and strength.
  • Start building healthy relationships with others using kindness. Healthy relationships are crucial for a sense of well-being. Help trauma survivors appreciate that they are safe and secure by showing them kindness.
  • Turn to your husband for support during tough times.
  • Offer and receive compliments with kindness.
  • Be considerate to others who are suffering.
  • Start doing things that bring you joy—volunteer at an animal shelter. Give your time at a soup kitchen.
  • Be kind to yourself - instead of putting yourself down. Take compliments for what they truly are, acts of genuine caring and kindness.
  • Subscribe to groups or clubs that interest you. Contribute to discussions and be kind to those who are members.

Women all want to feel as if they belong. If our sense of belonging becomes affected and destroyed by trauma or other factors, we need to find a way to regain it.

Kindness, giving to yourself and others, is one of the easiest ways to regain your sense of belonging.


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