What Happens When Praying Is The Challenge?

spirituality Feb 16, 2020

Praying daily helps you grow in your prayer life because you prioritize God every day. You are giving Him praise and seeking Him when you pray daily.


Prayer is vital to the Christian life. It is how we reach out to speak to our Lord and Creator. We express praise and thanks to Him, ask for forgiveness, pray for personal needs and the needs of others. But often, this is a disregarded activity. Be honest, are you praying daily?


“Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17


The subject of daily prayer is good food for thought. A discussion is a beautiful thing to have with God. But what happens on the days when your heart feels too heavy to pray? Life has, once again, knocked you down. And, it feels as though you may just never get up again. How do you pray on these days?


Jesus prayed all the time. Before His crucifixion and while hanging on the cross, He prayed. He did not just pray during the good times or only in hard times. Jesus prayed during both.


In hard times, remember, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered,” Romans 8:26 KJV.


The Holy Spirit lives within you as a child of God. He is interceding on your behalf. On days when you cannot find words, pain is too deep, and swells of grief keep on hammering your heart, know that the Holy Spirit is praying for you.


At that very moment, the Holy Spirit is connecting with God, sharing your deepest longings and your most severe pains. The Holy Spirit pleads for precisely what you need, even when you remain silent. He knows what is best, and we do not always understand God’s timing.


Some Christians find it comforting to call out the name of God in these moments. Like a child crying for their Father, you can repeat His name again and again. You might use a comforting term of endearment like “Father” or “Abba”. By praying daily, you remember that God is the most significant part of your life. You set God on the throne in your heart.


Shout out like beggars on the road who shouted out the name of Jesus. It is chronicled in Scripture that every time the impoverished and weak shouted out, Jesus stopped. He paused whatever He was in the middle of to listen to those who needed Him the most. He was never too busy to hear and to heal.


A Christian’s life should be filled with prayer because we desire to speak to God and for Him to talk back. The more Christians pray, the more we appreciate how great God is and how we need Him to be with us every second of our lives. So, even during those times, you do not feel like praying pray. Pray and ask God to help your heart.

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