Affirmations: Powerful Boost To The Inner Strength

life coaching Oct 03, 2019

A simple, but powerful, technique I use as a Life Coach to help women transform their lives, is affirmations. This is an excellent way of programming your brain to focus on positivity.


Affirmations are sentences designed to delve deep into the subconscious mind to refill the well of inner strength. As women practice these affirmations, the sentences can empower them with a deep sense of reassurance and break negative mindset patterns.


If a woman says affirmations, the subconscious mind recognizes them. Behavior changes take place based on how the woman then decides to live her life.


Affirmations influence the women who use them by causing them to react to situations, pleasant or unpleasant, with a more contented outlook. Saying an affirmation allows the woman to replenish her inner strength.


By connecting with the power of the subconscious mind, you can transform your life.

  • First, the affirmation impacts how you think.
  • Then, the way that you think about things impacts how you act.


So if you are a woman who has a situation in your life that has constantly drained you of confidence or affected your self-esteem, practicing affirmations helps you change the way you react because they change your thought processes.


You will break free from the type of negative thinking that keeps you stuck in your head. Affirmations give you a positive mindset, which changes your outlook on life, leading you to feel happier and more energetic.


The positivity adds to your inner strength. You do not have to carve out vast blocks of time to practice affirmations. You can speak to them throughout the day to release their positive influence.


When you begin to use affirmations, you might encounter some self-resistance because it can be a struggle to change how you have always felt about matters. Press on and take advantage of affirmations to help you until it is second nature for you.



You can apply different affirmations depending on what type of inner strength you need.


For example, if you are stressed in self-doubt and feel like a failure, use an affirmation that establishes success.

For that affirmation, you would say something like “I can achieve success” or “I attract success.” Do not put it in the future tense by applying words like, “I will be successful.”


When you struggle with feeling sad or not happy with life, use affirmations that assert happiness. Recite a sentence such as “Happiness dwells within me” or “I attract happiness.”

You would not say, “I will be happier.” Please keep it in the present tense. By employing affirmations to adjust your subconscious, you increase your level of inner strength.



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