Affirmation: I finish everything I start

affirmations May 07, 2022

 Accomplishing my goals is a priority in my life. I only take on tasks that I know I can complete. If I have started something, then I know I can finish it.


Leaving tasks unfinished wears me down. Because I want to have positive feelings in my life, I do not allow tasks to linger. I proactively pursue the completion of all of my projects.


To finish the tasks in my life, I must make time to accomplish them. Because I set aside time for my projects, I know I will finish strong.


I use my calendar to create appointments for me to finish my tasks. When I see that I have an appointment, I know I need to devote my time to that project. This process helps me stay disciplined and ensures that I respect my own goals.


I am so glad that I have instituted this system into my life because I can devote more time to the things I want to do when I finish a project. Clearing out all of the unfinished tasks in my life creates more time for my family, friends, and myself.


Excitement for the future is what drives me to accomplish my tasks. Completing a project makes me feel proud. I can look back at what I have done and see that I have spent my time well. My efforts and determination brought something to fruition.


Accomplishing a task is rewarding. Finishing everything I start makes me happy. It is so easy to tie up the loose ends of my incomplete projects. I have so much more time in my life because I have finished everything I have started.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What are my goals?
  2. Have I neglected any goals and left them unfinished?
  3. Today, what can I do to tie up the loose ends of my projects and accomplish my goals?

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