Affirmation: I Believe Holidays are for Sharing Kindness and Love

affirmations Dec 05, 2020

When kindness is shared, it is immediately multiplied. I look forward to opportunities to give.


Various holidays focus on the importance of togetherness and love. One of the highest forms of love is sharing what I have with others. It feels good to share kindness and love as well as material things.


I always invite others to spend time with my family for the Christmas holiday. When someone is alone, I introduce them to a spirit of community. And, gathering the family together is one of the special draws of the Christmas season. 


Giving of my time is a small way to share love and kindness with others. I do it to make others feel good. It gives me joy to be a factor in the happiness of someone who has less than I do.


Volunteering at a shelter is a regular activity for me around the holidays. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have in my life.


Shifting the focus from myself to others is a humbling experience that keeps me grounded. I realize how much I have when I share the love with others and still have more to go around. Love is an endless gift when I choose to share it.


Today, holidays hold a special meaning for me. They bring time to think of others more than I feel about myself. My blessings multiply perpetually when I focus on being a blessing to others around me.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Which holiday is my favorite and why?
  2. What are some of my favorite charities to donate to during the holidays?
  3. How much of what I receive do I give back to those in need?




The magic of Christmas is where it has always been. It is about honoring relationships and the love that is shared in them. It is about appreciating family and community when we slow down long enough to enjoy them. Whatever particular dream you may have, there is something special about having the family together for Christmas. We wish for your Christmas to be a magical time of family closeness.


Do not forget to invite Christ into Christmas. Learn more about Christ and notice Him in your life. And remember that God’s invitation is for you to become part of His family for eternity. Christmas is an opportunity to focus on the source of our hope. That is the Christmas magic that Jesus can bring. It is open to all that will accept His invitation to believe in Jesus. You can begin a new life with Him today and then have the truth of Christmas with you always.


Merry Christmas!


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