What Happened To God When You See Crises?

spirituality Mar 08, 2020

It is good to understand that Jesus is with us during our darkness. But when it feels like someone pulled the rug from underneath us, how do we right our world?

How can an aching mama’s heart beat again after she buries her child? How do you retake a breath after hearing that cancer diagnosis? How do you carry on when the pains keep crashing, one overwhelming wave after another?

There are no simple answers. There is no checklist that someone can give you to make your life normal again. Everything is going to feel horrible for weeks or even months to follow. That is OK. It is part of grief, part of letting go of your previous life.

What you must do is keep open communication flowing between God and you. The worst thing to do is shut down in the course of crises and stop speaking to Him. But that does not mean you have to put on a stoic face and walk into the throne room like everything is fine.


Scripture tells of people who were utterly truthful with God about what they felt.

  • Think about Elijah, who ran from an evil queen, then implored God to end his life (1 Kings 19:1-5).
  • Jeremiah cried out, “Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me never be blessed.” (Jeremiah 20:14)

These are not the prayers of saints strutting into God’s presence with the calm assurance that all is under control. These are broken, weeping people begging for relief from the pain. They express prayers that, if we are honest, sometimes reflect our beliefs and outlooks.


But How Do I Hold On?

Staying connected with God and revealing your feelings with Him during a crisis is essential. But do not stop here. Reach out and call for someone you trust to step into your grief with you. This might be a dear friend that has proven herself to be loyal to you, a pastor who cares for you deeply, or a professional Christian counselor.

Jesus went through the Garden alone. But He does not require you to go it alone. God designed us to be in a community. He created us to be supportive and encouraging of each other. When you reach out, you are satisfying a purpose. You are behaving exactly the way He wants you to.

Luke 5:17-26 records Jesus healing a paralyzed man. The house where Jesus was staying overflowed with people. There was no way to get in or out.

But the paralyzed man’s community trusted that Jesus could heal this man they loved. So, they lifted their friend to their shoulders and tore back the roof.

They then lowered the man in from the ceiling in front of Jesus. They were full of faith. They believed that God wanted to heal this man, so they confidently sought after Jesus.

When you seek out others, you are giving them the gift of supporting you. Their faith strengthens as they carry you to Jesus and watch Him heal your broken heart.

Finally, give it time. It is OK not to be OK. You are walking through a deep trauma or grief, and it is intensified by feeling as if God let you down. While God is always with you, it will take time for your pain to ease.

Just as broken bones need time to heal, so it is the same with your weary heart. There is nothing you must do at this moment. Just know that you are worthy, and you are loved.


Let me say a prayer for you today, precious sister.

God, I pray for my friend. I do not know what heartache or battle she is facing. I do not understand why this happens. But I know You have not left them on their own. Your heart aches, too.

You cry with your hurting child. You grieve with us and for us. The whole Redemption story is that You cared enough to enter our pain and our darkness. You wrap your nail-scarred hands around us. Oh, hold on to my friend. Comfort her with Your presence today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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