You Need To Make Christmas Christ-Centered

spirituality Dec 22, 2019

Christmas would not be Christmas without Christ. The holiday overflows with wonder, love, and joy. There is something extraordinary about Christmas and the feelings you felt as a child about that time of year.


It is not just about toys and presents, but the true meaning of the holiday is essential. But as women age, we tend to lose that reality. Christmas has gotten so commercialized that we hardly remember the true meaning of Christmas.


Sharing Christ: Planning a Christ-Centered Christmas


Each year we seem to lose a bit more of the true meaning of Christmas. God arrived in the world as Christ. He walked together with us as a man. His name is Immanuel which signifies “God is with us”. He appeared here on Earth to redeem us back to Himself and forgive all our sins. Christmas is about Him.


What if you could get back to the true meaning of Christ Christmas?

What if you could make the holiday this year about sharing Him and having beautiful feelings of joy, love, and wonder?


You or your family could do that. You can share Christ with someone this season. Please give them the true meaning of Jesus. Share what a gift He is to our world.


Here are eight great ideas to do just that:


  1. Attend Christmas events at church: Nearly every church has some program for Christmas that represents the true meaning of Christmas. Make sure to attend one of those or participate in one for yourself and your family.


  1. Bake cookies for the sick and shut-in: Almost everyone loves a cookie. Why not bake for Christmas this year? There are plenty of sick people that love cookies but can’t bake. Wrap them up real pretty and share the love with them in sweet treats. Visit with them while sharing and cheering up their day. Shut-in people are lonely most of the time, and some have no family.


  1. Give to someone else: This is a fun one. Make this Christmas about giving to someone else. Buy Christmas for them. I did this one year, and it was a fantastic feeling. Please provide them with a tree, presents, dinner, and Jesus. Communicate to them the real significance of Christmas.


  1. Have a Christmas dinner for others: How about you invite someone new to dinner. Invite a stranger or a co-worker to dinner. You could also ask a college student that cannot get back home to their family. Is there a teacher at the school that is lonely and has no family? What about someone newly divorced or someone grieving the loss of a child or their entire family. The list is endless.


  1. Make homemade gifts this year: This one will take a lot of thought and heart. Instead of shopping and making the stores rich this year, why not make gifts from the heart this year. Think about each family member. Ask God what would be meaningful to them. Get creative. You never know what you will come up with from the heart.


  1. Old Fashioned Christmas Carols: There is almost nothing more Christmas-like than singing Christmas carols on the street or to neighbors. Get some friends together or church members and sing out the beautiful songs of the season. Go to a retirement home community or sing inside of a shopping mall or a big store.  


  1.  Random Acts of Kindness: This is a fun one. Take the entire season of Christmas, usually the month of December, and commit to doing random acts of kindness. Get your kids involved in this one. Make a kindness calendar and write different things you can do for others in your community, family, church, neighbors, friends, relatives, or strangers. These acts can be anything. They can be in person or anonymous.


  1. Read the Christmas story: The Christmas story is in the Bible in Luke 1:5-56 to 2:1-20 and Matthew 1:18-25. Take the time to read this with your family or share it with someone that does not know Christ as Savior this year. Let them see the real meaning of Christmas.


Now that you have a shortlist of ideas to choose from making sure you put Christ in it as you celebrate Christmas this year. These simple but meaningful traditions are things that can keep the meaning of Christ in Christmas and keep it living in not just the hearts of children but your whole family.


Christ was all about people. He blessed them, cared for them, and served them. You can be His influence expanded this holiday season.


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