You Need to Reveal Your Inner Warrior

personal development Aug 11, 2020

Have you ever wanted to do something, but your fear kept you from doing it? Or maybe you just felt like you did not have the time or energy. Do you wonder what it would take to enable you to muster up the strength and courage to go after your dreams?


Thankfully, you can pursue whatever you want by putting some simple strategies to work that will reveal your inner warrior!


Use these strategies to help you create the life you desire:


  1. Get acquainted with your physical strength. Pumping some iron will help you recognize your physical strength, an important step to revealing your inner strength. If your doctor approves, if you love aerobics, get your heart pumping and do them with a vengeance.


* To improve your balance and flexibility. Feeling physically strong will help you go after your dreams in other aspects of your life. Think of yourself as a warrior-in-training.


  1. Know that you can do it. Just like the children's story, "The Little Engine That Could," so, too, can you do what you desire. Deep down inside yourself, you must know and believe that you can achieve your greatest dreams.


  1. Keep your focus. Sure, you must go to work, raise your family, and live your life in the here and now. However, stay focused on your dreams by keeping reminders in your car, bedroom, living room, and briefcase or purse. Make an aspiration board with images and words about your goals and dreams and hang it on a wall where you will see it often.


  1. Refuse to let anyone or anything stop you. If you are 35 years old and still want to go to college, start taking courses one at a time during your time off. If people say, "You're too old for that" or, "You've already got a job. There is no need for that," just ignore them. A warrior is single-minded and is not deterred by others' perspectives.


  1. Educate yourself thoroughly. Do you want to move to Hawaii so you can surf on the weekends? Read everything about the Hawaii coastline, the cities and towns along the ocean, and the locales for the best surfing. Study it. Learn all there is to know about the area. The more you know, the more you can do.


  1. Allot time in your week. Take small steps each week. For example, if your dream involves visiting all 50 states in the US, start by planning time to create a budget that allows you to see two states a year: one relatively close by and the other further away.


* Schedule time to research the two states you plan to visit this year. This strategy is closely related to keeping your focus (#3) because if you are regularly allotting time to work toward your goals, the minutes you spend on related activities will bring you closer to the dreams that are your focus—a wise warrior plan.


  1. Share your goals with your friends and family members. They will most likely be interested and thrilled that you are going after what you want in life. They might even be inspired to try to fulfill their dreams.


  1. Love yourself. A concept that sounds simple yet incredibly complex, loving yourself will help you see that you are truly worth the time, effort, trouble, space, and money to stay focused on whatever you seek. A warrior is truly proud of what he can achieve.


You have the right to go after your dreams. When you follow these steps to uncover your inner warrior, no person or situation can stand between you and achieve your dreams.


Although it will take work and practice, revealing your inner warrior might be the greatest adventure of your life!

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