Why In The World Should We Bother Praying?

spirituality Jul 07, 2024

You may wonder why you should bother praying. After all, God, in His infinite wisdom, has a plan for every woman and will work everything out for our good. You might think the conversation has no real point, as God's plan is already set. However, prayer is not about changing God's plan but about aligning our hearts and minds with His will, a comforting and reassuring act.

Christian prayer is a deeply personal spiritual practice that fosters a unique, intimate connection with God.

It is a way for each woman to express her faith, seek guidance, ask for help, offer gratitude, and communicate with her Divine Creator. As children talk and listen to their father, prayer is their special way of conversing with God. Each woman's conversation with God is unique and precious, making prayer the most intimate communication that connects us to God. 

Throughout the Bible, there are numerous verses and passages that not only encourage us to pray but also highlight the transformative and influential nature of prayer. These sacred texts inspire and remind us of the immense influence that prayer can have in our lives and those around us. An intriguing moment between God and King Hezekiah occurs in Isaiah 38:1-8. The king is ill, and the word of the Lord reaches him, telling him that it is time to get his affairs in order. Yet, through prayer, Hezekiah's fate is transformed.

Isaiah 38:2-3 tells us, "Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, And said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore."

Soon after this, another word from the Lord arrives. In this one, Hezekiah is told that God has heard his weeping and that he will be granted another fifteen years of life and restore his health. This event is fascinating because it shows the immense power of prayer.

God values your prayers.

He hears each one and responds in His perfect timing. Christians must prioritize prayer and not relegate it to the background. When we do, we not only position ourselves to witness God’s power in action but also become active participants in it. God’s power is activated in response to his people calling upon his name.

Why in the world should we bother praying? This, ladies, is the significance and power of prayer. Your prayers matter, and they make a difference.


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