Ways Living in the Moment Helps You Get Past Grief

personal development Apr 21, 2020

When you are living in the moment, your focus is on that moment only. The past and the future cannot touch you.


It is a difficult task to put your feelings about the past or future aside. It is like when someone says, "Don't think of a hippo in a pink tutu!" You thought of one just now, didn't you?


Well, your grief is sometimes that hippo in a pink tutu, and it seems like there is nowhere to turn. In these situations, you can look for help by thinking in the present moment.


Staying in the present takes practice. While you are learning how to live in the moment, remember that it gets easier as time goes on.


Using Meditation


You can control your thoughts. One practice that is all about staying in the present moment is meditation.


This easy practice can also assist you in getting over your grief.


Meditation tips:


  • Create a meditation schedule - 30 minutes daily.
  • Go to someplace where you are alone and can relax.
  • Sit in a position with good posture.
  • Take deep breaths in and out.
  • You can use positive affirmations to enhance your focus.
  • When thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and then let them go.


One of the most challenging things you might face while learning to meditate is to calm your busy mind. Focusing on your breathing helps clear away unnecessary thoughts and worries.


When you are grief-stricken, it is a challenging period to keep a clear mind. Reflections of the past will more than likely keep coming up as you practice. That is normal. As you keep on practicing, it becomes easier to focus on your now.


A key thing to remember is to avoid judging yourself. Please do not punish yourself for thinking of the past when you strive to not think about it. Appreciate that your mind is taking a turn you did not intend, and then lightly nudge it back in the right direction. Be grateful that you were able to catch yourself in a negative thought and then move on.


Keeping Up Your Practice


Once you have adopted a philosophy of present moment thinking, concentrate on keeping up with your practice. Rather than a mechanism you turn to only when you are in a pinch, consistent present moment thinking can bring you an exhilarating new lifestyle!


When you understand to live in the moment, you will find peace and happiness in life. You will be calmer, collected, and enjoy every moment for what it is. How amazing is this!


Moment By Moment


As your practice deepens, you will fully realize that life is just a series of moments. It is not a definable measure of time, but you will feel many moments in every minute. Little by little, you begin to recognize them.


You may find it challenging to remain in the present just because you must refer to the past and prepare for the future to live. But when reflection and planning are over, your goal is to remain in the moment as much as possible.


  • Refer to the past when you must, but avoid reliving grief or daydreaming.
  • Plan for the future, but do not obsess over it.
  • Look at what you are experiencing right now and immerse yourself in it.


When your mind wholly focuses on the present moment, you will be surprised at how energizing life can be!

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