Time to Change Your Goals Perspective

personal development Jul 28, 2020

 Are you pleased with the way events are going in your life? Hopefully, continuing to achieve the life goals you have set will bring you considerable happiness and contentment. But perhaps you have taken a different path, and you think it would be helpful to add some goals. Sometimes, life requires that we alter the track we are on.


Maybe your focus has changed due to losing a partner or job, requiring you to relook at the goals you created long ago. Whatever the case, considering a change in your life's dreams could be in order.


Consider these five suggestions:


  1. Review your current life list. Pull out that file of life goals you listed years ago. Are they still what you desire? Maybe you are ready to let a few of them go to make room for some new ones that are more fitting. Permit yourself to adjust your list as needed.


  • For example, maybe you thought you would become the company's president someday, but you have discovered that you are more of a salesman. You love making new contacts and watching your sales stats rise. It is okay to remove the goal of becoming president.
  1. What do you want out of life? It is good to have your goals in print and in a folder where you can easily open them to make changes and updates.


  • Even if you are not sure of what your general goals should be, jot down the skills you want to have and put them in your folder.
  1. Verbalize any changes to goals you are taking into consideration. Inform your husband of the type of life you want since your lives and dreams interlink. Modifying your life goals will entail your joint agreement and efforts.


  • Talking about what you would like assists you in conceptualizing your goals. Your family and close friends will also want to support you in your journey to achieve your life master plan.
  1. Instill fundamentals of the goals into your day. As you include daily efforts to create the life of your dreams, your goals will not just be some grand ideas you rarely think about anymore. Be strongly connected to the points that will direct you to your goal.


  • For instance, if one of your life goals is to take a trip to Alaska, set up a computer file where you can copy and paste the links to websites and information about sites you would like to visit. Have a paper file to hold magazine articles and pictures in too.


  • Look something up, or read a travel article each day.


  • Set up a savings account to ensure your travel funds are building.
  1. Try setting and achieving mini-goals. If you are curious about a particular goal but are unsure whether you intend to change your life's direction, create a mini-goal to start exploring this area. You will be able to feel things out and figure out whether the new goal heightens your current interests.


  • Would you like to go further with this new endeavor? Or have you learned enough to conclude you have been on the right track with the primary goals you established? Either way, you can put the idea of a mini-goal to work for you.


  • Creating small targets that will lead you to accomplish your primary goals is intelligent and practical.


As your life goes on and your ideas shift. You might find the need to modify the life master plan you had formerly set for yourself. Put these five tactics to work for you when it is time to eliminate an old goal or add a new one.

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