Six Ways to Easily Make Balance and Harmony in Your Life

personal development Oct 20, 2020

Developing balance and harmony among all the aspects of your life can bring you true happiness. It can be challenging to keep everything in order, but the harmony you create makes a tremendous difference when you do.


The trick is to spread your focus reasonably equally among the different areas of your life. This means that, while your work life might be stressful, you cannot overlook your relationships, spirituality, or other areas that are also vital to you.


The situation can be compared to the beautiful music performance by an accomplished orchestra. All instruments perform in perfect harmony together. Occasionally one instrument will come forward into the spotlight while the other instruments wait or keep on playing quietly, fulfilling their part of the total beauty.


Use these techniques to bring the beauty of balance and harmony to your life:


  1. Avoid completely focusing on one issue. If you devote all of your energy on one aspect of your life, the others fall by the wayside. If you must pay a great deal of time on one area temporarily, make an extra effort to include other essential things as much as possible.


* For instance, when you have to work late, call home to talk with your husband during your break. Following work, use your free time wisely to concentrate on other areas of your life.


  1. Consider your dreams and goals. Make time to reflect on your goals and dreams. Develop a plan to follow through and start taking action toward them. Even if you feel that you cannot take extraordinary action, some action is better than nothing.


  1. Get rid of stress. Stress appears in your life as a sign that things are not in balance. It is a natural indicator that tells you it is time to take action. If you disregard it, the situation only gets worse.


* Once you define the root cause of the stress and reduce it as much as possible, you will find that things naturally tend to move back towards harmony.


  1. Get proper rest. An essential component of finding balance and harmony is getting enough sleep. If you feel the need to frequently squeeze in one more thing and rob yourself of sleep because of it, set bedtime and follow it consistently.


  1. Rely on your spirituality. The best path to achieve balance and harmony is to delve into your spiritual side. Take time to recharge your connection to God. You will get rejuvenated and be ready to face anything the world throws at you.

*Someone once said, “Balance is like a pendulum; it is that brief moment in the middle of swinging from one extreme to the other.” Part of our pursuit of balance contains the realization that it is never perfectly achieved. Your knowledge needs to expand, then your character needs to be shaped, and ultimately the spiritual gifts and callings of your life need to be established.


  1. Go to exercise/pilates/non-faith-based yoga or tai chi classes (under the direction of a medical professional). It is a routine that goes beyond some simple stretches to keep fit. Moving, stretching, and strengthening can be a way to worship the Lord and honor the Holy Spirit within our bodies. It is a great way to get your whole day into balance, and you will no doubt end your session refreshed and relaxed. “Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10),” yoga can provide the time, space, and structure for Christians to be still and focus our attention on God’s presence with us. Tai chi is an option for women with joint problems. It is a gentler form of exercise, helping you to maintain the same flexibility that yoga offers without as much strain.

There can be controversy in the exercises that originate from Eastern religions. This question about Christians engaging in yoga is a complex one because people practice yoga in different ways and different cultural contexts. Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will,”

Christians use methods of exercise and meditation to glorify God. Taking time to exercise our bodies can be a way that we worship the Lord and honor the Holy Spirit within us. More than most other exercise methods, yoga and tai chi offer and encourage mindfulness, intention, and focus. When directed toward the Lord, all of those can be worshipful and beautiful. I leave it to you to pray on and decide if those types of exercise should be part of your routine.

Joshua 1:8 (ESV) “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it…, Colossians 3:2“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.


Once your life is in harmony, everything seems to be more accessible.

You are less stressed, more energized, and have the time to enjoy the most important things to you. Please take action to bring this balance into your life and enjoy all it has to offer you.



Prayer Journal Prompt

Music has a magical way of providing support through all kinds of emotions. Thank you, Lord, for this song that has helped me get through a certain time in my life...



To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. 

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