Seven Helpful Ways to Make a Terrible Day Better

personal development Nov 10, 2020

No matter how hard you strive, bad days are going to creep up now and then. While you cannot regulate the things that happen to you, you can manage your responses. You can also releave a negative situation by taking action to remedy the problem.


The first task is to acknowledge the fact that you are having a miserable day. Once you do this, you can consciously choose not to concentrate on the negatives anymore. Allowing all those emotions to spin around in your head is only going to make your day worse.


The next task is to discover something you can do to cheer yourself up. Every woman is different and likes different things. What ‘cheers you up’ is not necessarily going to be the same for everyone.


Check out these ideas for turning your bad day around:


  1. Finding comforting activities. A rotten day is prone to trigger you to get stressed out and tense up. You can combat this feeling by participating in something you find relaxing, such as prayer, meditation, reading, or going for a walk.


  1. Talking about it. You may appreciate the freedom of talking about your challenges to someone else. Seek out a trusted friend and vent a little. You likely do not even need advice, but rather a sounding board to listen while you let out all the negative feelings built up over the day.


  1. Thinking of what is going right. Take time and count your blessings. Yes, you are having a bad day, but there are also many things to be thankful for in your life. Move your attention to something you like about your life, like seeing your kids happy or spending time pursuing your favorite hobby.


  1. Taking a catnap. If you have the time, a little catnap may improve your day. It is like pressing the reset button on your day so you can start again when you wake up from your nap. If you cannot take a nap, practice starting your day over through deep breathing techniques.


  1. Spoiling yourself with a bit of treat. While you do not want to get into the habit of indulging yourself every time something terrible happens, you probably deserve it if you are having an awful day. Take yourself out for ice cream, chocolates, or a much-loved treat of your choice. Sugary snacks will help improve your mood and make you more upbeat. But be careful not to overdo it!


  1. Doing something nice your yourself. A bad day can make you want to mope in the corner, but nothing turns around a bad day like accomplishing something nice for someone else. It will help to get your focus off of your situation while you are doing something positive for someone else.


  1. Writing it in a journal. Journal writing is an option that allows you to let go of your negative thoughts without anyone else ever reading them. Journaling is a wonderful means to release your emotions. You can also write an email or a letter to someone you love. It may help you to vent while you catch up with someone.


Use these simple tips the next time you encounter a bad day and turn your frown upside down - make the most of the day!

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