Secrets Of Analyzing Thought-Provoking Dreams to Conquer Problems

personal development Oct 06, 2020

While dream analysis will not solve all your challenges, just paying closer attention to your dreams can drive you in the right direction for resolving at least some of them. Your dreams can give you clues about what is going on in your subconscious.


Sleeping gives your mind much-needed rest and allocates your brain time to sort things out. What is actually on your mind may wind up in your dreams as a way to deal with your feelings.


Take an interest in Dreams


Get into the practice of paying attention to what your dreams are advising you. They might appear wild and crazy initially, but you may find an important message hidden within if you break them down.


When you have trouble recalling your dreams, keep a pen and paper beside your bed. You might be able to remember your dream the instant you wake up. If so, you can immediately jot down your thoughts before they are lost. This technique also enables you to capture the details of your dreams more fully.


Common Dreams


While the varieties of dreams are endless, many of us encounter similar dream circumstances. They also have a common premise running through them that can assist you in your dream evaluation.


Here are five common dream themes:


  1. Running away from a monster. You run away from some monster in your dream. It is terrifying, but that monster could correspond to a dilemma or hurdle you need to overcome. Conceivably your mind is telling you that you should stop running away and face your fears instead.


  1. Falling. When you are falling into your dreams that you, you are not alone. It is one of the most common dreams. It could mean that you feel like you are free-falling in life. You may feel alone and like you have no one to stand up for you or catch you when you fall.


  1. Drowning. Drowning is not quite as common, but still a dream that can occur frequently. Drowning could signify being overwhelmed. You could be overcome with a specific situation or just in general. You might still be fighting, or you might be ready to give up the fight.


  1. Feeling lost or stuck. In your dreams, if you are lost, it could be a physical expression of how you honestly feel. It could imply you have extreme confusion about something going on in your life.


  1. Naked in public. These dreams are often mocked, but it is not so humorous when you are the individual having it! You may discover yourself in situations where you are partially or fully naked in front of other people. This could mean that you are afraid of revealing too much about yourself to someone or the public. You may also feel that you have already told too much.


Resolving Your Issue


Once you have figured out what your issue is, you have done the tough part. You can now focus on taking action to resolve it. For example, if you have bad dreams because you have been having trouble relaxing, you can incorporate more relaxation into your day.


When you resolve the specific situation causing you stress, you will find that your negative dreams fade away. You can then concentrate on evaluating your good dreams!

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