Pray to God in faith Never as the Vending Machine

spirituality Jun 02, 2024

Numerous scriptures throughout the Bible encourage us to pray and highlight its true power. But in certain communities, prayer is sometimes depicted as a transaction with God. Believers think that merely reciting the correct words at the right time will result in God granting their wishes, akin to using a vending machine.

Remember, prayer is not a mere transaction but a deeply personal conversation with the Lord. He intricately weaves every cell of your being and understands you more intimately than you understand yourself.

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." - Psalm 139:13-14

It does not matter what specific request you bring to your prayers, whether related to health, happiness, success, or any other aspect of life. When you humble yourself and recognize that without God’s help, this will not happen, then you have positioned yourself to know and experience the power of prayer. This humility is a sign of respect for God's sovereignty.


To truly experience the power of prayer, it is crucial to approach God with authenticity.

Bring your situation to Him as it is; be open, genuine, and honest. This approach will empower you to face challenges with unwavering faith and courage.

In a healthy relationship, you can say “yes” or “no” to another person’s request. You can say “yes” to cooking lunch today. You can say “no” if you would rather go out for lunch.

You have the wonderful gift of free choice. Yet many Christian women do not feel that same freedom should be applied to their relationship with God. They believe God’s answer to their prayers should always be “yes.”

When you always anticipate God to fulfill your desires exactly as you wish, you are not seeking a relationship with Him. Instead, you are desiring a transaction. This mindset is risky and can lead to feelings of disappointment and disillusionment.

A fundamental understanding of the power of prayer is summoning heavenly resources to intervene in your earthly circumstances. Since heaven's resources are limitless, you can invite the omnipotent God into the problem and ask Him to address or change your circumstances. When you understand that, you are harnessing the power of prayer.


Pray to God in faith Never as the Vending Machine


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