Persuasion is the Skill You Need to Conquer

Marketers use a lot of skill sets to convey important information to their customers. Concisely explaining the benefits of goods and services is vital for sales and building relationships with your target audience.


The Power of Persuasion - Choose Your Words Wisely


What to say, how you say it, and why are essential things to pay attention to during all communications. In many cases, marketers only have a small window to grab a customer’s attention and get them to take action.


One of the critical skills marketers must master is the power of persuasion. How you say things are essential. Choosing the right words, phrases, and delivery can set marketers up for great success.


Here are three tips for choosing your words wisely:


Tip: Choose leadership language- Leadership language shows you are an expert. Leadership language, phrases, and directives set you up as the best person to buy goods and services from in your niche.

Make sure your marketing materials highlight your expertise, education, or other credentials that make you the ideal person to choose. The more persuasive your leadership language, the more credibility you convey.  


Tip: Choose words that anticipate sales- Your sales copy, and marketing materials should assume the sale. Making statements that positively anticipate working with someone or sending them your products will help customers feel they are making the right choice.

Instead of using phrases like - “I hope you enjoy hearing about this product,” use the phrase “I know you will enjoy the benefits of XXX.” Assuming that all is well and the sale is imminent is a compelling way to see greater marketing results.  


Tip: Choose to focus on benefits rather than features- People care about themselves more than anything. There’s nothing wrong with that, and once you realize it, you can market to their specific desires. Choosing words and phrases that market to the benefits of your goods and services is more important than sharing the features of what you have to offer.


  • If you are selling toothpaste that has stain-fighting abilities - that is a feature. What you are selling the customer is whiter teeth - that is a benefit.
  • If you are selling shampoo that smells great - that is a feature. What you are selling is clean hair - that is a benefit.

Knowing the difference will help you choose marketing materials that convey the benefits.



One of the many skillsets a marketer must master is the power of persuasion. Being able to effectively and expertly convey the quality of goods and services makes all the difference in establishing identity and capturing the market.


Practice these tips to ensure your marketing positions you in the best possible light.

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