Mistakes Actually Help You See Excellent Results

personal development Jun 04, 2020


Every woman wants to achieve excellence, whether it is something monumental that changes the world or just being the best person she can be and positively impacting the lives of the people she cares about most. Many spend their days trying to be perfect. Every day, they put in hard work, struggling to say and do everything perfectly. However, achieving excellent results is not easy and does not come overnight. Learn how mistakes can help you achieve the level of excellence you can reach.

You may be thinking, “How does making mistakes help me to achieve excellence? Mistakes are usually considered bad or undesirable. How does that lead to excellence?” Most women do consider mistakes bad or undesirable. But they also realize that errors are unavoidable.


Stop the continual struggle to be better. We are only human, after all, and humans make mistakes from time to time. Stop feeling shame when you fail. No one is perfect. But we are all under grace!


“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” – Romans 3:23 KJV.



Start thriving in the completion of Salvation. It does not matter how hard you work, how much Scripture you study or memorize, how many classes you take, or what services you attend. Even if we put in every effort and willpower we can muster into trying to reach perfection, we will always fall short. You will always make mistakes. When mistakes happen, you need to learn why the error occurred and how to prevent it or similar mistakes from happening.


Then, the mistake is worthwhile and can help you to achieve excellence. This is because you understand what you need to do to avoid such a mistake, leading you to perform steps you need to take to do your best work and the excellence you are capable of attaining. Mistakes are truly bad or undesirable if we repeatedly duplicate the same or similar mistakes and do not learn from them. As that adage goes, “Fool me once, is shame on you; fool me twice, is shame on me.” This saying refers to the fact that mistakes are not the bad or undesirable element most make them out to be when we learn why it is a mistake and how it occurred so that we can avoid it in the future.


So long as you learn from the experience the first time a mistake occurs, you can keep the same or similar errors from happening again. This is how mistakes can help you to achieve excellence. God values a willing heart. No one is perfect, but when women strive to become loving, forgiving, merciful, kind, good, joyful, faithful, peaceful, and self-controlled, we will have the fruit of the Spirit in us. We will come as close to being like Jesus as we can get.


Takeaway: You should not see mistakes as something bad or undesirable. Take note of the error and how it occurred so you can learn how to take necessary actions to keep the error from occurring again. By understanding the measures and skills needed to prevent such a mistake from happening again in the future, you are taking positive actions that improve your skill set and help you to achieve the greatness you are capable of achieving. We have all missed the mark God intended for us, even in the beginning, as Adam and Eve revolted and defied God’s demand. And from then on, no one was born perfect except Jesus, the Son of God.


But the awesome fact is God delights in using us dysfunctional, imperfect women. This can be a beautiful part of being human. God adores you no matter how many mistakes you make and uses them for a greater purpose. You have heard the saying, “Life is all about the journey and not the destination.” For Christian women, it is both!

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