Make Time to Be Balancing Important Priorities

personal development Jun 09, 2020

What does it mean to balance your time effectively among all your priorities?


Humans lead busy lives. Women's schedules are often jam-packed with tons of responsibilities between friends, families, careers, hobbies, schooling, volunteerism, spiritual practices, errands, chores, vacations, and beyond.


How do you manage to keep your schedule organized when you are this busy? Learning how to balance your time effectively among all your priorities is critical.


Balancing your time effectively among your priorities means you are careful about how you spend your time.


You ensure that your preferences – or your most important tasks and responsibilities – are paid the appropriate amount of attention they need. Rather than allowing one priority to hold more space and weight than another, you can ensure that each focus has the proper amount of energy and time you need to commit to them.


What are the benefits of balancing your time effectively among all your priorities?


Women who can balance their time effectively among their priorities enjoy various benefits. Some of the highlights include:


  1. Maintaining a positive, reliable image with others.


Often, your priorities involve other people. When others depend on you to get something done or provide them with assistance, they need to know they can rely on you to show up and get the work done. When you can balance your time effectively among your priorities, others' confidence in your ability and dependability grows.


  1. Being able to spend more time doing things you enjoy.


Keeping your priorities balanced and your time well-managed means you will save enough time to do things you enjoy, too. When your preferences and responsibilities are well-managed, you have enough time to lounge, relax, partake in hobbies you want and other fun activities.


  1. Experiencing less surprise and setbacks from schedule issues.


When you have your time balanced effectively among all your priorities, you are less likely to let something slip off your schedule or to-do list by mistake. Because you stay aware of what's next and how to spend your time most effectively, you are far less likely to forget that critical errand or let a significant work deadline slip by without noticing.


  1. Feeling less stress and anxiety.


Balancing your time effectively removes many of your daily life's shock and surprise factors. Because you know what to expect and how you will spend your time, you feel less stressed and anxious regarding everything you need to do or what might come next. Much of the ambiguity is removed from your schedule when you manage your time well.


  1. Being overall much more productive.


It is tough to focus and get tasks done when you struggle to balance your time effectively among your priorities. Once you master this skill, you will notice your days becoming much more productive. When you know how to spend and balance your time, you feel mentally prepared to handle the task and find it easier to maintain your focus.


What are some strategies for learning how to balance your time effectively among all your priorities?


If time management and balancing your time effectively among your priorities is complex for you, you are likely having issues excelling in life. It is tough to succeed when you constantly feel rushed, unprepared, and disorganized.


Learning to balance your time effectively is possible with some practice and effort. To get started, consider the following strategies:


      1. Take a critical look at exactly how you spend your time each day.


Keep a detailed log of exactly how you spend your time on different tasks and activities for a week. At the close of the week, look at your record carefully, looking for patterns or habits with which you spent your time.


Many women are often surprised to see how mismanaged their time is on tasks or activities they genuinely consider a priority. For example, a few minutes of scrolling on social media can quickly turn into a whole hour of wasted time – when you realize you could have used that hour to finish grocery shopping or practice a hobby you love. You begin to understand precisely where your time is misused most.


  1. Create some solid routines and implement them into your daily schedule.


A great way to keep your time balanced is to automate some other parts of your life. For example, consider getting ready for bed each evening. You can create a bedtime routine that accomplishes some essential tasks:


  • It gets you mentally prepared for a good night's sleep
  • It helps you ensure that you have everything you need to get ready the following day
  • It helps you physically wind down after a busy day


Implementing this routine helps you know precisely how you spend your pre-sleeping time. Using this routine (and others) to make the "everyday living" parts of your life more predictable and automatic, you can spend more of your precious time balancing your other priorities.


  1. Brainstorm a list of your priorities and rank them from most important to least important.


Sometimes women worry about priorities that do not need prioritizing as highly as they may think. If you find yourself fretting over many details, this may be the case for you.


Brainstorm a list of all your priorities and responsibilities. Put as many ideas in writing as you can. After you have built a solid list, begin ranking them in order of importance, with the most important priorities at the top of the list.


By the time you have ranked your priorities, you will likely notice a few things you spend time on are not that important to you (or, at least, you will realize you have probably been too worried and consumed with them and could reduce the amount of time you're dedicating to them). You can reconstruct your schedule and to-do list to balance your time more effectively with this list.

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