How to Resolve Conflict with Open Communication

relationships Jan 03, 2020

Whether you are considering managing a team or creating improved relationships between your family and friends, communication is something you have to give considerable attention.  If you sit down with someone and make sure you are on the same page, you will work well together and get more done.


What Is Open Communication?


Open communication is precisely what it sounds like: tackling an issue head-on and openly discussing ways to resolve it. Nothing improves by letting an issue fester because neither party wants to discuss it.

You would be surprised how many conflicts resolve simply by sitting down with somebody and engaging in open and friendly communication. The discussion should not be accusatory, threatening, or argumentative. Instead, it should be an opportunity for all people involved to voice their opinions and be heard calmly.


Tips to Resolving Conflict


* A face-to-face confrontation might not always be best. For example, some people are most comfortable talking on the phone or chatting online.  Any method that makes you feel the most comfortable is how you should approach the conflict, so long as you can voice your concerns openly.


* Do not make the person participating feel cornered or nervous.  This is a crucial thing to think about when you are in a place of authority over them. You should make sure that you are looking to fix the problem and not assault them.


* Remember to focus on the problem and the person. Please take a moment and consider what you need to do to ensure that you are not condemning the person or putting them down. That will only close them off to everything you are expressing, so make sure to focus on the behavior or the problem without increasing your tone of voice.


* Think about adopting an open door policy, both at home and at work. You will be able to successfully communicate with others if you show them that you are eager to connect with them at any time.  This is an effective conflict resolution strategy because it will give you a lot more face-to-face time with them in general.  The more you foster an open-door policy, the more minor conflicts you will come up with will be.


* While mediating a conflict, keep in mind that you need to be firm and fair. Listen to all sides and give every person an opportunity to talk without interruption.


Personal Relationships Benefit from Conflict Resolution As Well!


These tips will also help resolve family conflicts. No family member should feel like his or her feelings do not matter. You will have a significantly closer-knit relationship with your husband and children when you have a mutual appreciation that you can chat about any topic at any time, without having to wait for "the right time" or for the TV commercial break.

When you would like your family to hear and respect your opinions, please treat them with the same level of respect. This is an important life lesson for women of all ages to learn.


Being Patient With Change


Change does not happen overnight. Some people involved in the discussion may leave with bruised egos. So long as all involved were treated respectfully and the issues are out in the open, you can now begin working for an acceptable resolution as a team.

The more regularly you use these conflict resolution approaches, the simpler it will become. Rather than stepping around a sore subject, it will become second nature to have an open discussion and find a resolution. It is worth the effort to take some time and consider what you can bring to the table when it comes to open communication and conflict resolution.


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