How To Not Stuff Yourself This Thanksgiving

health Nov 18, 2019

Have you been toiling hard to stay in good health all year? Kissing goodbye to your potbelly could be trickier with the holidays and celebrations right around the corner. Isn’t it hard to abstain from the delicious big fat meals?


The finest of foods are at the front and center of the elaborate Thanksgiving dinners. Can you miss the mammoth meal, though? A thanksgiving grandeur is certainly amiss without a luscious feast on the table. With the gravy, stuffing, rich cranberry sauce, an array of sides, and ample other foods, overeating and stretching your appetite is hard to resist.


Overindulging in the delicious snacks and flavorsome dishes is quickly done. Aftermath? You are filled to your gills and feel like a blob. Isn’t it pointless to pine after you have stuffed your face with way too much food? Must you bid farewell to the luscious holiday feasts then?


No! Little did you know that there are intelligent, healthy hacks to welcome the holiday season without fretting about a stretch in your waistline. As much as you love savoring foods bursting with oodles of flavors, striking the right balance works wonders. Wondering how? Let’s scroll down a few handy tips.


  1. Never cut down your snack hours.


Of course, feasting on a king-size thanksgiving spread fills you with joy. However, do you choose to save up your appetite to overeat big and square on the feast? Sadly, the trick often misfires! Staying off food for long hours causes the blood sugar to dip. Result? You are mostly famished and polish off food like no one’s business.


Eating right and in smaller portions never hurts your waistline. Instead of starving throughout the day, snack on smaller meals. Try and include heaps of veggies, fruits, and greens in your meals.


  1. Keep moving.


I know. Prepping and hosting a fancy Thanksgiving luncheon is quite bustling and not close to a picnic. Setting up an exorbitant feast is too much labor. But, never skip keeping your activities on a roll. It could be hard to practice a complete cardio cycle on the big day. Of course, Thanksgiving requires a zillion chores and to-dos. Doing a quick aerobic exercise routine as a headstart to the day or taking pleasure in long trots with your loved ones after a big fat meal is a good idea.


  1. Pick your favorites wisely.


Thanksgiving is a joyous celebration that centers around good food. Some dishes are essentially thanksgiving staples and specials. A humble pumpkin pie, for instance. Do you think picturing these exquisite dishes as off-limits is a cakewalk? Certainly not! You would eventually give up and gorge on food. Stop fighting your cravings. Snacking on your favorite foods matters big. Instead of binge-eating everything up for grabs on the table, pick out a couple of your favorites and enjoy cramming these down with zero guilt.


  1. Consciously stay clear from alcohol before a lavish dinner.


Indulging in alcohol before eyeing on a lush dinner spread clouds your mind. Instead of restricting over-stuffing with calorie-rich foods, you start eating like mad. Making wiser food choices is out of the picture.


Thanksgiving feasts are all about the luscious creamy dips, processed sides, sugary goodness, and fat-rich entrees. Knowing how to balance your dish and savor the delicious foods guilt-free is vital.


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