Get More Out of Life: 5 Tips to Focus on You

personal development Jan 28, 2020

Feel like something is just absent from your life? Focusing on yourself, not others, may be the key to what is missing!


Are you comparing yourself to others and coming up short? It is time to end that destructive habit. Comparisons get you nowhere! Instead of leading to positive improvements, they cause you pain and discontentment.


A better option is to focus on your own needs and wants. You are a unique woman who requires a personal tactic! This method helps you boost your self-image because you are focused on refining yourself and not struggling to outrun someone else in an unknown race.


Learning to focus on yourself instead of everyone else around you is challenging. Women are so focused on families and friends that we do not appreciate how to focus on choices that define our lives.


Try these five tips to help you focus on thoroughly experiencing your life:


  1. Allocate one hour a day to "me time." During this time, focus entirely on yourself and the things you need or desire to feel strong, lovable, and vital. Reflect on what is essential to you. Dream big dreams and picture the small steps you can do to reach them.


  • Your "me-time" can be whatever thing you like it to be: get a manicure, go for a walk, read a novel, take a nap, take a relaxing bubble bath, or do something else. Anything that pleases you simply for the sake of pleasure qualifies as me-time.


  1. Take care of your health, physical, and spiritual requirements. Relying on another person to fulfill your needs only leads to dependence and resentment. Do not wait for somebody else to accomplish these things for you.


  • You have the power inside you to meet your own needs, and the only way you can be genuinely healthy is to do just that.


  1. Feed your body and mind good healthy fuels. You cannot ask your mind and body to function at their best if you do not provide them with the energies they need to work at that capacity.


  • Nourish your body with good foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Drink plenty of water, keeping yourself fully hydrated.


  • Feed your mind through reading informative, well-written books, magazines, and newspapers. Select recreational readings that build your mind and spirit. Minimize your TV watching and spend your time pursuing things that stimulate your thinking instead.


  • Play board games rather than video games.


  • Christians could spend time meditating on God's Word (Psalm 119:15). 


  1. Spend time daily doing something you love. It is healthy to indulge in creative pastimes.


  • Gardening, painting, pottery, and woodcarving are hobbies that inspire your creativity while using your hands to produce something beautiful.


  1. Make a gratitude journal. Begin and end every day by listing three unique elements you are grateful for in your life. Before long, you will see that you spend most of your time dwelling on all the beautiful events you have in the world rather than those occasional negative obstacles you might face.


Focusing on you helps you take the best possible care of yourself. It allows you to replenish your batteries and regain your strength so you can be fully present and engaged in the rest of your day. Use these tips to start changing your focus today, and have many happy tomorrows!



Prayer Journal Prompt

Lord, please help me take some time for myself today by...



To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. 




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