Challenge Habits for Improved Focus and Better Growth

personal development Jun 02, 2020

Our daily habits shape our identity and determine our future. If we persistently engage in harmful habits, they can harm our overall well-being, causing us to feel depleted and unfulfilled. We must challenge habits for improved focus and better growth.


Here are 4 common examples of harmful habits that can rob us of our joy and peace if we allow them to persist unchecked:


  1.  Focusing on how life “should” be.

Our reactions to frustration can either motivate or irritate us. We should try to use them as a driving force rather than let them bring us down. Life is a matter of perspective, and we control how we view it. Instead of getting angry, we should try to find a lesson. Instead of feeling envious, we should cultivate admiration. When worries arise, we should act. When we doubt ourselves, we should have faith. It is important to remember that our response to any situation is more powerful than the situation itself. While completely uncontrollable circumstances exist, our reactions to them decide much of our lives. How we play the cards we have been dealt determines where we end up.


Philippians 2:14 KJV – “Do all things without murmurings and disputings.”


  1.  Wanting to control the uncontrollable.

It is important to be discerning. If a problem arises that we can solve, let's solve it. But if it is out of our control, let's accept it and shift our thoughts accordingly. We must avoid exerting more energy than we can handle, which could cause us to stumble over past issues or imaginary worries. To honor and please God, it is necessary to discard old, negative habits and adopt new, positive ones. This means recognizing and acknowledging the behaviors that are not in alignment with God's will and actively working to replace them with actions that are in line with His teachings and values. Through this process of intentional change and growth, we can cultivate a stronger relationship with God and experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. Some of the most transformative moments in life occur when we muster the courage to let go of what cannot be changed.


Romans 12:2 KJV – “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”


  1.  Fearing little (necessary) failures.

Failure is a necessary part of the journey to success. Even if we fail repeatedly or progress slowly, we are still ahead of those who are not trying. It is important to not focus on our failed attempts and miss out on numerous other opportunities. Your goals should scare you. Growth requires doing new things. Doing new things is always scary. Every idea that proves unsuccessful is merely a stepping stone to the one that will work. Failure is not the act of falling but choosing to stay down instead of getting back up. Always try to get back up! Sometimes, good things may fall apart in the short term, but it is often because even better things are meant to fall together in the end. When we come to terms with the fact that we cannot alter a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves instead, and that is where true growth happens. For those who belong to Jesus Christ, forming new habits by being controlled by the Holy Spirit becomes a way of life. This shift in perspective changes everything.


Philippians 4:13 KJV – “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”


  1.  Waiting for a “perfect” time to take the next step.

It is a myth to think that the perfect moment exists. Moments are imperfect, but we can make them perfect by what we do with them. Many people wait for everything to be just right to start doing what they are meant to - the perfect moment, opportunity, state of being, and so on. But we need to wake up! Life is too short to wait around for the right moment. We must remind ourselves that too many people wait for happiness all their lives, and we do not want to be one of them. Ultimately, we will succeed not by waiting for a perfect moment, but by learning to use life's imperfections as stepping stones to our goals. This may require a whole new habit for some. It is like the "putting off" of our old nature and "putting on" of the new nature. Get clear on your BIG vision and align that with your marketing strategy. Alignment and clarity make those big, bold moves come true.


Colossians 3:10 KJV – “And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.”



An exercise to develop healthier habits

Think of an area in your life that you want to improve, and then answer the following questions:

  1. What is distracting you?
  2. Where are you stuck?
  3. What do you want to change?
  4. What daily habits contributed to your current circumstances?
  5. What are you doing regularly that contributes to your situation?
  6. What would make you joyful?
  7. What does an improved situation look like for you?
  8. What small daily habits will get you from where you are to where you want to be?


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