Exercise Actually Will Make You Boost Your Mood

health Jun 08, 2020

When you feel a little down, try exercise. It is believed that exercise releases serotonin, which is a chemical that controls your mood. Increased levels of that chemical make you feel good. On The Other Hand, low levels of serotonin may produce depression. At the very least, it could be to blame for feeling down.

You may have experienced a surge of good feelings after you have finished exercising. It is hard to deny that exercise benefits your mood, even if you are skeptical of the science. The feeling can last for several hours after your exercise session.

Many women choose to exercise in the morning because of the good feelings that come from it will last throughout their workday. Exercise even helps reduce stress that you may feel from working. It helps give you the ability to handle whatever circumstance confronts you while you work.

If you can not exercise in the morning, you can still benefit from exercise at other times of the day. You are looking for long-term benefits and effects. Curiously, some women experience too much of a rush when exercising in the evening. This rush makes it difficult for them to sleep at night. In this case, it is probably best to choose earlier times to get your exercise.

For most women, exercise actually helps them sleep better. After the improved mood, your body and mind may become fatigued from the exercise, setting you up for good quality rest. That fatigue is a natural way for you to get a good night’s sleep.

While any exercise is good, it is best to make exercise a part of your regular routine. It follows that if exercising makes you feel good and you exercise routinely, you will likely feel good more often than not. Regular exercise also helps to regulate weight. If you ever feel down concerning your weight, exercise will help this situation as well.

You do not have to use intense exercise to get the benefits of an elevated mood from exercising.

Walking is one of the greatest exercises available. But, you have to do it frequently for it to be most helpful. With your physician's approval, you should try to walk for several miles during each session. Try to walk three to four times per week. It is not a bad idea to include some resistance training in your workout routine.

To give your muscles a rest, make sure not to do this every day. A great benefit to resistance training is that you continue to burn fat even after the session.

To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. 

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