Affirmation: I Am Happy Becaue Life Provides Abundant Opportunities For Laughter

affirmations Jun 13, 2020

I know laughter is good for both my body and mind. I make a point of developing humor within my life.


Occasionally humor comes to me in flashy neon pink, billboard-style, and cannot be ignored. But most of the time, laughter in my life springs from ordinary things: a toddler discovering to kick a ball or a dog chasing his tail.


I slow down and notice what is going on around me to not miss those moments.


If my niece paints her face with her mom's lipstick, I can wail about the waste or moan about the necessary clean-up. Or I can laugh at her youthful folly and grab a camera, opting to relish this moment.


I can select to laugh at myself, too. I keep away from taking myself too seriously and keep small frustrations in perspective by seeing the humor in occasional mishaps.


My clear enjoyment of life makes me more welcoming to others and leads to healthier and more productive relationships.


I release the notion that life must always be serious. I establish opportunities to seek out people who also see the humorous side of life. I indulge in comedy often, knowing that hearty laughter makes me healthier in my body, mind, and spirit.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I respond with humor to my own mistakes?
  2. Do I slow down enough to see the humor in everyday events?
  3. What activity can I plan that will bring some extra laughter to my life?

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