Affirmation: I Take Time to Listen to Others

affirmations Oct 03, 2020

I listen to others because I care about them and realize that it is in my best interest.


I recognize there is a great deal more to discover about life. I have learned a lot already and will continue to do so because of events to come. If I am open to lessons from individuals with more life experiences, I equip myself with more understanding than I would have achieved.


By listening to others, I safeguard myself from potential pitfalls. At times other people's pasts give them an invaluable perspective in my life. They can alert me to hazards that I may not see. I remain open to their guidance, knowing that those who love me speak out of a desire for my well-being.


I also have faith in community. I am convinced that women are all better off when we have firm bases to fall back on. And such a base takes care, time, and work to build.


We all have ups and downs. While I might feel self-sufficient and content in life right now, my life may be changed in a week, month, or year. So, I listen to others, knowing that I can also receive compassion and support as I made a point to build my base.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Am I openly listening to people?
  2. Will I make time to support others, so they support me when I need it?
  3. How did active listening help me in the past?

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