Affirmation: I Let Go of My Doubts for the Future

affirmations Dec 26, 2020

I look forward to the future with faith and confidence. When the future brings joy, I welcome it. When it brings challenges, I know that I possess the inner power and resilience to conquer them through God. As a result, I am set free from worry.


When I am at the base of a curved stairway, I am not reluctant to take the first step since I cannot see the top! If I get in my car to go somewhere, I do not fear what I encounter on my journey!


In the same way, I push ahead with my life and accomplish goals, even if I cannot see my entire journey ahead of time.


I avoid worrying over what might come. Even in today’s environment, with an intense political climate and a recession in full bloom, I can prevent fret. In its place, I seek solutions and focus on what I CAN DO to experience the life I desire.


One point I can accomplish is to live in the moment. When I am focused on the moment, I do not worry about the past or future. There is only right now! I enjoy life moment by moment and relish the beauty around me, just waiting for me to discover it!


My action plan to reach my goals is flexible. I know that challenges are a natural part of life, and I am free to change my path from time to time. With this strategy, I can always be moving forward, even if I take a short detour.


Today, I decided to be carefree, put any worries in the past, and discover the beauty of this day.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are my worries for the future?
  2. What will I do today to help me focus on taking positive action?
  3. How can I live more at the moment?


Here is to a game-changing, goal-setting, action-taking 2021! 

Get clear on what you want to achieve over the next 12 months. Break your goals down into four quarterly (13 weeks) roadmaps. 

Imagine the distance you will travel on your transformational track after you finish your four quarterly roadmaps for 2021!


I wish you a very happy new year! I pray that God will open those doors needing to be opened and close those needing to be closed tight.  

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