Affirmation: I can achieve financial stability

affirmations Jan 15, 2022

Financial stability is one of my goals in life. I believe I can attain it honestly by working hard. However, the hard work required for financial achievement is easy for me. When I focus on my end goal, the work necessary to get there seems effortless.


Planning my future contributes to my financial goal. I set targets for 5 and 10 years down the line. I commit to savings and investments based on those targets.


When I set a monthly savings goal, I stick to that commitment. I know that building for tomorrow is more important than taking care of today's wants.


I allow myself to partake in frivolous spending once in a while. I believe that enjoyment of what I have acquired only encourages me to keep working for more.


My life goals are prioritized based on long-term desires. I remain unperturbed by the achievements of others in the present. The experiences of others are unique.

I look forward to my celebration at the targeted times.


Financial stability means staying out of debt. Debt is a sure way to mess up my plans for the future, so I make most of my purchases with cash.


Today, having financial stability means having peace of mind. I continue to work towards financial wellness. I make wise spending decisions and stick to my savings goals each day. The life I live years down the road is dependent on the life I live today.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I use the experiences of others to dictate my financial decisions?
  2. What kind of advice do I need to secure my financial position?
  3. How can I enjoy my money now yet still prepare for my future?

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