Affirmation: I Am Exuberant About Life

affirmations Jul 17, 2021

Even though my life presents some complex challenges from time to time, I choose to feel joyful and excited about life. I still have days when boredom starts to creep in. But when it does, I seek out and find my inner happiness.


I discover that I have so many reasons to have high spirits.


When I wake up in the morning, I decide to allow my exuberance to spring forth all day.


I can feel it now within me – like an inner bubbling spring of beautiful, blue water. My cheerfulness surrounds me. It bathes my world in abundance.


I experience profuse happiness and excitement about life’s possibilities. I recognize the opportunities that come to me consistently, every day. My eagerness helps me make the most of my life.


My exuberance is truly the key to my fascinating existence.


Because I am responsible for how I feel, I choose to be joyful and high-spirited. I feel a special sense of happiness and positivity that overflows into whatever I think and do.


Today, I intend to get more in touch with my exuberance. Because daily routines can take over sometimes, I know I must keep my zest and zeal in high gear.


I choose exuberance to bring and keep love and abundance in my life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I exuberant about life? Why or why not?
  2. How can I ensure that I feel as much pleasure and joy as possible in my life?
  3. Who do I know that exemplifies a spirit of exuberance? How can I learn from them?


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