Affirmation: I Discover and Experience the Beauty Around Me

affirmations Apr 10, 2021

As long as I allow myself to see the beauty surrounding me, my life is enhanced a hundred-fold. Therefore I strive to release any negative thoughts and feelings that can blind me from this beauty.


Beauty abounds in my loved ones and my relationships with them. Each one has its unique beauty, unlike anyone else. I see this beauty in their smile, feel it in their caress, and hear it in their song of life.


They share their beauty in their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I listen and am lifted as I encourage them. When I feel down, they let their beauty shine through to bring me back up again.


I find beauty in everyday things - a wildflower lifting its bloom through the rocky soil, the puppy that greets me with glee, the crystals of the morning dew, and the soft comfort of my bed at the end day.


Even humdrum routines bring the beauty of their own. When I get something done at work, it is a beautiful thing! When I make a tasty dinner, that is beautiful also, and I thoroughly enjoy it.


The moments of my life are filled with such beauty, and I make it a point to take the time to discover and relish it for all it is worth! When I focus my thoughts on experiencing the beauty of the moment, things almost always go my way!


Today, I choose to discover and cherish the beauty that comes with each moment of this wonderful day in my life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I take time to stop and smell the roses?
  2. What beauty shines through each of my loved ones?
  3. When was the last time I noticed the beauty in the little things I see every day?


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