Affirmation: I Agree with the Timing of Experiences in my Life

affirmations May 22, 2021

I approach each new day with enthusiasm and an open mind. Even if I am faced with the unexpected, I handle it without complaining. I agree with the timing of experiences in my life.


I welcome the new path before me. Instead of feeling down about things taking time to happen, I make the most, here and now. Each moment I get to live is a chance to live well.


I have goals that are crucial to me, yet I am patient in going after them. I look at delays in my journey as opportunities to prepare myself for better success.


My academic path is different from my friends', but I am okay with getting my degree later than planned. I made space for other experiences. And those experiences shaped the future that is just right for me.


Each moment I get to live is a chance to live well. I applied it to my advantage and came out well in the end. This attitude allows me to accept my situation.


My attention is on making the most of all that life puts before me. I understand the experiences of today are ones I am intended to have. I am comfortable with where I am today because I know it prepares me for better things tomorrow.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How inspired am I to make the most out of negative situations?
  2. In what ways do I encourage myself to stay positive in the face of unattained goals?
  3. How will peace of mind impact my capacity to accept what life throws my way?

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