Merry Christmas! Affirmation: I Enjoy the Magic of Christmas

affirmations Dec 25, 2021

I love seeing the enthusiasm in people's faces at Christmas time. I even enjoy all the hustle and bustle of preparing special foods, decorating the house and yard, and beautifully wrapping gifts. My desire is to enjoy the blessings of family, friends, and shared love. 


I love to give gifts. I greatly anticipate the reaction of my loved ones when they open the present. Those are gratifying times when I am more blessed to give than to receive. 


I relish seeing the transformation from routine to magical. I adore all the lights. I love the decorations. I have a weakness for the aromas in the air. I am captivated by the magic of Christmas.


The Christmas season helps me to appreciate how important it is for me to celebrate life. Too often, I get caught up in day-to day-activities and routines. It is good that I can pull myself out of the 'doing' and permit myself to be like a child for a minute.


I love seeing all the new decorations that creative people come up with every year. It is fun to add unique decorations while still enjoying some older ones that bring back warm memories.


It amuses me to see the excitement of kids sitting with Santa.


I love to see the 'ugly sweeters', crazy hats, and tee shirts people wear during this time of the year. I think it is fun to laugh at myself for some of my Christmas outfits. I love the 'ugly sweater 'parties. Any time I can stop taking myself seriously is a great thing.


"I am such a Christmas Elf!" I chuckle an elfish laugh and grin. I may even treat myself to hot cocoa and a Christmas cookie.


The magic of Christmas is brought back when I give gifts in recognition of Jesus and out of joy for what God the Father did for us through Him. 


I feel the Christmas Magic. I let myself be transformed by the magic of Christmas as I take time to enjoy the holidays thoroughly.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What can the Christmas season teach me about celebrating life?
  2. How can I immerse myself in Christmas magic?
  3. What can I do to enjoy the holiday season even more?



Christmas is a compound word from "Christ" and "Mass," which is the celebration of the Eucharist in Catholic and Anglican churches (Webster). It is the worship of Jesus Christ. Webster defines "Christmas" as "the annual festival observed by Christians on December 25, commemorating the birth of Christ." "Merry Christmas," then, is properly the wish that you have a joyous festival in commemorating Jesus' birth.

Jesus is the greatest gift ever. He is the reason that we present gifts to each other. Jesus is the magic of Christmas. With Him, there is everlasting life and joy. Without Him, there is only law and tradition which satisfy only momentarily, if at all.

I wish you a safe, happy, magical, and Merry Christmas!

"Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set your people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in thee."
—Charles Wesley


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