Affirmation: I am Happy that My Thoughts are Positive

affirmations Oct 23, 2021

My thoughts are the determining factor of my attitude and mood. If I can manage what I think about, I can control myself and my life.


I recognize my negative thoughts result in negative emotions and a pessimistic outlook, while positive ones do the reverse. I know that we usually get what we expect. Therefore, I always hope for the best.


I can perform at my best if my thoughts stay positive. I appreciate life more when I engage in positive thinking.


It is sometimes difficult to control my thoughts, but my capacity to do so is growing fast. I make conscious efforts to keep my mind focused on the positives in all situations.


I ask myself questions that permit my mind to sustain a positive outlook. I ask, “What is good about this situation,” or, “What is the soundest decision that I can make right now,” or, “What is comical about this?”


When I fail to control my thoughts, they can lead me down negative pathways. If I catch myself thinking negatively, I rapidly stop and redirect my thoughts. I have many positive ideas I can use to replace negative thoughts.


A positive thought is my key to both happiness and success. I take my ideas seriously and give this part of my life my full attention.


I screen my thoughts and keep a positive attitude. I control my mind. My thinking is positive and productive.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What happens when I think negative thoughts?
  2. How do I think that negative thinking helps?
  3. What is one area of my life that I am determined to be more positive?


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