Affirmation: I Think Wholesome Thoughts

affirmations Nov 13, 2021

My mind is my source of action. It drives the choices that I make each day. I think wholesome thoughts so that my efforts are honorable.


I am strong-willed. When I think of myself in that light, my motivation to be a go-getter is strengthened. Giving up is the last resort because I believe in my ability to find the answer to any challenge.


Giving others the benefit of the doubt involves choosing to think of them in a positive light. It is only fair to view others from a level playing field.


Although I sometimes have doubts about the intentions of others, I avoid jumping to conclusions. I take their words and actions at face value until I can prove an ulterior motive. I feel that this approach is reasonable and fair.


Whenever I am offended, I avoid letting my anger push me toward negative thoughts or actions. That is destructive behavior.


My thoughts in such situations involve envisioning a moral breakthrough for them. Instead of consuming myself with negative energy, I rise above. I pray that others realize the harm in their actions and make a move towards remedying it.


Thinking wholesome thoughts involves positive self-talk. When I repeat words of upliftment to myself, I begin to believe them.


Today, my mind is a vessel for goodness and light. I use it to bring positive energy to the world around me. Thinking wholesome thoughts makes the difference in a time when there is negativity all around.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What impact does positive thinking have on my ability to find solutions?
  2. What is the physical benefit of maintaining a healthy mind?
  3. How often am I at a crossroads where my choice impacts the lives of others?


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